Reaction in your circles to the SCOTUS decision on health care reform?

A deafening silence.

All positive. Most of my friends (and myself) are in the age bracket/stage of life/economic situation where we’ve been taking advantage of the provisions allowing you to stay on or go back on your parents’ insurance if you’re under 26, so we’re all big fans. I lost coverage last week and my new job doesn’t pick me up until October 1, so my mom’s insurance is filling the gap.

Admittedly, some if not many insurers (including my parents’) were going to keep that provision even if the law was struck down, but the security is nice.

I was at the dentist. He thought it was going to be a disaster. Since he was about to stick a drill and other pointy things into my mouth, I decided not to contradict him.

Finally went to the link… people who are moving to Canada because of the socialist health care… you gotta love low information folks.

So, asked my sister about it and she wasn’t happy about the new tax ( here’s a chart that explains the tax ). So, I pulled it up and pretty much no one is going to have to pay the tax. Even someone earning $100k/yr would have to find a policy under $8k or else they don’t have to pay. (Try that at the age of 50yo!)

So, I WAS happy, but now am sad because there are no teeth in this thing. Why can’t we just go single payer like Canada?

It must take ages to read your Facebook news feed.

Most of my friends are liberal-ish, so they’re happy that the law wasn’t overturned even if they’re not particular fans of the law as it stands.

One friend posted a pro-Obama comment about how he tried to reform healthcare in the face of GOP resistance and a right-wing friend of hers replied

She shot back with

Well-played, T.

My Tea Partier sister-in-law got into such a lather (she has a habit of kneejerking so hard she drives her knee through her own brain sometimes) that she demanded that the Republicans start working to reform healthcare in order to undo the damage of “Obamacare”. I note that she later removed that comment, presumably after she realized what she’d said.

And a number of friends posted the “everyone’s a Constitutional scholar now” pic.

I live in Texas so I’ve been seeing a whole lot of this.

As the only left leaner living in the entire state of Texas, I’m quite happy!

I hang with a fair number of other medical types and those who manage our group. Overall slight relief and those who seem like they’d know saying that the bigger business contacts are the same. Many of us have invested a fair amount of money and effort to be ready to best compete under the terms of the Act. As an industry, as an individual business, it is hard to develop any sort of effective plans without some confidence in the rules are going to be. The reason that most of these business of medicine types were only slightly relieved is that they feel that most of those changes are now business driven (meaning the large corporations who buy the insurance plans) who are insisted that the insurers provide evidence that they are getting value for their dollars - which gets brought to the market as they then contract with the healthcare provider side - demonstrate how you keep people healthier longer and we will pay you more (as opposed to more production, be it visits or procedures, is how you get paid more). Still the Affordable Healthcare Act was the catalyst for these changes and they are more sure that the sands won’t shift under them with the Act being upheld. Most of these business of medicine people are pretty much conservatives btw.

Mostly against. Or silence.

I was at a wake yesterday, a funeral luncheon for a recently deceased friend.

I saw the news stories before I headed to this event ( I skipped the actual funeral ). None of the other attendees at the wake had heard because they had spent the morning at the funeral service.

So in conversation someone mentioned that the decision was due that day and I told them that it had already happened and what it was.

So the entire room broke out in a spontaneous cheer before they remembered where they were and sombered up.

I think that’s rather telling.

Most of my actual friends are pretty happy, espically the couple we are close to who have had recent medical issues and are directly affected by this. She even met with the President and became a local spokesperson for the law.

The negitive reactions have all come from my more conservative family members, espeically my FIL and his current wife. But, since they are both on the “Obama is a secret muslim, socialist terrrorist out to destroy America” bandwagon I can just laugh them off.

So would I. What business gets to do that?

Health care is a universal right, or should be, but that’s not what this plan does.

I guess it’s better than nothing, except there will be people who can’t afford it but don’t qualify for Medicaid (like me). I’ll have health insurance in six months, though.

Here’s the pre-existing condition plan in my state:

Surprisingly quiet. I work for a State agency and no one has said anything, and there was only one thing on Facebook (someone liked a picture picture saying that Obamacare had passed). I think people are trying to avoid an argument. It’s like the White Elephant in the room.
I might stir things up by stealing LHOD’s comments.

The state of Arkansas will comply with the Medicaid provision, even though it was tossed out in the decision.

Probably just a bunch of eye rolling that Americans still don’t seem to be able to organise something that the rest of us did decades ago.

Most of my friends are realists like me. They are saying that it will bankrupt the country, and it will. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, which is what all these socialistic programs are. Somebody’s got to pay for it, and it will be taken out of the wallets of the few taxpaying citizens left.

They’re also saying that our only hope is a complete flush in November - Obama out of the White House, any and all lib Congressmen up for re-election gone. With a conservative Congress and White House, we can get Obamacare repealed. It’s our only hope right now.

Stephen Colbert, after his mock outrage at the SCOTUS decision, announced with great fanfare: “But here’s the good news–the Supreme Court has upheld Romneycare!”:smiley:

The guy who sits next to me at work posted on FB: Who knew you couldn’t have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without life insurance? Oh yeah, socialists who know how to spend my money better than me.

Methinks he doesn’t quite understand what the hell is going on. I would think that he’d be slightly more sympathetic to the idea of pre-existing conditions being covered since he’s a paraplegic and all, but whatever.

That “like me” qualifier really helps clarify the rest of the post. Most of my friends are underwater coral reefs like me–which is to say, like me, they’re something else entirely.