There are two foods called candied citron: one is the rind of an actual citrus fruit and the other is from a melon.
Is the stuff we see sold as “candied citron” from the melon? It looks more like melon rind than citrus rind, and I know that with most citrus peels, you need to remove the pith before you candy it.
So when I make homemade fruitcake using the “candied citron” I get at the Giant, which am I putting in the cake?
I know, I know, good fruitcake doesn’t have candied fruit, but I happen to like the stuff.
I like candied citron and fruitcakes, too, I admit. The citron has a very thick rind, if you look at photos, so I think it’s the real deal.
Commercial candied citron is made from the citrus fruit. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it made from the melon of the same name.
Thanks all! Clearly Dad misinformed me! I just ASSumed that the commercial product would be a fake, from the presumably-cheaper melon vs. the true citrus fruit, if there were any way to do it legally. Sort of like that one sort of ‘scallops’ which are really bits of skate wing.