Real Rock Music - the Lithophone

In my never ending quest to satisfy my eclectic musical tastes I stumbled upon the sample of music available at this web-site:

Click on the headphones to hear/download the music and you can see the Lithophone (and other instruments) by following the link to the slide show.

What a wonderful sound! :slight_smile:

I realise there are other lithophones in the world, but this must surely be the finest example.

Now, I just cannot afford that DVD; but, search as I might I cannot find any more lithophone music.

The instument obviously exists, can anybody help me locate some afordable recordings?

Perhaps it will help a little if I add a little explanation. A Lithophone is a rare instrument resembling a xylophone, but with chimes made from stone rather than wood. It is played with mallets. There are a few Lithophones round the world, but the one on which this music is played is largest in the world, it has a full five octaves.

I would very much like to locate some more Lithophone music, can anybody help?