OK. I guess the topic says it all. Some German Scientist has discovered a way to determine a babies IQ way early into its developement. Ignoring all the future developments this technology opens doors too, it’s pretty amazing haw far weve come as a species isnt it? Im not exactly sure where I stand on this soon to be issue. Ive been going back and forth all day on it. Without this taking a turn to an abortion issue, let just discuss the logistics of our future if less intelagent children were terminated before thier birth. If all humans had an IQ between 120 and 150+, what kind of world would we live in. Please spare me the flames, but my first respone was that it would be very possitive. Then I ask myself, who would pick up our trash, who would fix our toilets and who would mow the lawns of our parks and keep our schools clean? And already I realize ive made a rash generalization that IQ is relative to ones aspirations in life. I know personally this is not the case because despite my high IQ, I am not especially career driven and have not set high goals for myself. Then it occurs to me that with this kind of intelagence it is very likely that we may not have garbage to be picked up in this super-smart future. Think of all the inventions and great inovations that would lie ahead with a popuation full of Einstiens. And assuming with a gene pool full of parents with high IQ’s, the bar for intellagance would only increase in height. Children would only get smarter and smarter as generations continue. I fully believe evolution has brought us to breaking point, and we have the power to interviene with this natural process. We know too much about DNA, our chemical make-up and mutations at this point. Natural evolution it too slow a process, and its it tough to believe that we will not cause ourselves to progress faster than “natures plan”. I believe man’s evolution in our hands at this point. It is inconceivable to me what new frontiers lie ahead for us. I really wish I was born 200 years from today… TV, Microwaves and computers are great and thats quite a bit I suppose for a small chunk of history but you all know we will never slow down and there are great things to come that we can not even dream up at this point.
Anyway, just a little perspective into our not-to-distant future.