Really Obama? You asked for it back?! (Bwahaha..)

What a fucking news day. First, I see Newt takes his fourth pledge.

Now, This.

Seriously, WTF?

Obama actually asked Iran if we could have our downed drone back. :smack:

Um… so… what was he supposed to do?

Ignore the situation?

Take it by force?

Dust off and nuke the site from orbit (the only way to be sure, after all).

What would you suggest?

It looks silly, but he’s not asking for the drone back because he thinks they’ll return it just because he asked. It’s part of the diplomatic process of getting the thing back or downplaying the incident.

I kind of wonder if the OP even bothered to read it.

And then, if they don’t give it back or apologize, the Americans will have a Valid Complaint and Reason For Further Action.

Let’s say I’m robbing you at gun point. I drop the gun then you grab it before I can.

Would you not think I’m slightly off my rocker for asking for it back?

Look, I’m not an Obama hater. I voted for the guy. Doesn’t mean I think he is infallible.

I just think that asking for it back makes him look like a dolt.

But again- what was he supposed to do? As the article says, asking for it to be given back is part of the process.

I mean, I know where you’re coming from- on the surface, it sounds silly to ask. But it’s either that, ignore the situation, or initiate violent action. Asking first seems to be the proper, political thing to do, to me.

I’m kinda diggin’ the American flag with skulls inteads of stars, visible in the video. I think we should adopt that as standard.

He could send troops to retrieve it. I’m sure people who voted for him would find a way to justify it.

You cannot look at this in isolation.
We offers you condolences. You accepts our condolences.
We ask you to give us back our drone. You give it back.

Iran still has my frisbee on top of their roof. Good luck getting your drone.

It’s a thorny legal issue, all right. I’ll need to refer to the case of Finders v. Keepers

And again, your diplomatic solution is…? In a case like this there are forms and protocols that have to be followed. It is all part of the song and dance that diplomats do. Just like with Pakistan and our super secret helicopter tail rotor.

Sure, but when we nuke the site where they are keeping it, Obama can tell the UN, “Hey. We asked for it back. Real nice.”

If you accept our pretext that the drone was in use for scouting in Afghanistan and accidentally bounced into Iran then asking for it back was the appropriate action. And if frogs had wings they wouldn’t bump their asses when they land.

Obama and the US Military has a bunch of egg on their face, and they need to apologize.

Perhaps when the Iranians apologize for taking over the US embassy and kidnapping the diplomatic staff. :slight_smile:

They gave up on that ridiculous story after about 24 hours.

When a U.S. EP-3 made an emergency landing in China, President Bush asked for it back, the Chinese took whatever they could get their hands on, and then they gave it back.

Iran is a more hostile and less stable nation than China, but since the U.S. uses this procedure in other cases, it might as well play that card to see what the Iranians do.

HAHA, yeah! They’re so stupid for doing that thing I just made up!