Some of you may recall the fact that I work for an idiot. Well, I’m a firm believer in “you reap what you’ve sown”. My boss is a jerk. No courtesy, no respect, no professionalism.
We have a huge mailer going out to multiple cities; it’s our first big marketing play since he’s been here. He drove the Sales Assistant so crazy that she just upped and quit on Monday. Just didn’t come in. So, I step in and save the day with my Finance Manager. However, I’m the “disgraced assistant” and he’s been giving me the silent treatment. But, being the good worker I am, I start getting the mailers out (mostly so the Sales Manager-who is a nice guy-doesn’t suffer). However, 3 things are really funny here.
The Sales Assistant wrote a SCATHING resignation letter that she’s forwarding on to this guy’s boss (who doesn’t work in the same building).
I’ve got 3 interviews lined up for the next couple days.
The Finance Manager just went on a second interview today and she’ll probably be gone before I will.
All of this means that the company will effectively be left without any administrative support whatsoever. All of us that are leaving are writing letters to his boss.
There is justice! And it is sweet!
Anyone out there have their tales of poeple getting “what fer” without having to intervene?
Every dog has there day. It’s much sweeter
when you watch it happen without any input.
The management should blame themselves. If everyone knew he was an ass, then they are
bigger asses.
I had a manager (fast food) who flirted with the women on the crew shamelessly. One girl (I say girl because she was 16 or 17) he really threw his efforts towards was very uncomfortable. Then one day he made some overt sexual move toward her. (Not an assault, but definately harassment.) Instead of passively trying to avoid him and such, she went home and told her father. He in turn came down to the store (sadly not while I was there) and threatened the manager’s life right at the front counter.
That manager didn’t work there much longer, figuring moving out of town would be the safest bet.
Well, his boss is actually the owner of a public company that invests in us. He’s only been here about 6-7 months and actually has really great strategy for what needs to be done for the company and stuff. He is just SO severely lacking in people skills. The management of the other company really are good people; they just haven’t been that involved in the day-to-day activities of our company. I guess they’ll be finding out soon, won’t they?!