I’m in the US and will be traveling to Germany for a few weeks - can anyone recommend a VPN?
I’m in the US and will be traveling to Germany for a few weeks - can anyone recommend a VPN?
I use IPA and it rarely lets me down.
Can’t seem to find IPA - do you mean PIA?
oops, fancy having a typo on a three letter word! yes, PIA
I’m an American living in Germany. So far, I’ve had great experience with ExpressVPN. Most of the people in my situation are using the same one, and I’ve never heard a complaint. It’s super easy and it works well.
I subscribe to PIA for a month or two whenever I go on the road. Always seems to work, never had a problem except for a few sites that don’t play well with VPNs (which I don’t consider a PIA issue)
I got ExpressVPN and SDMB says the IP address is banned
Perhaps cycle the connection to get a different IP address? That should work in the short term until they get around to expiring the ban.
VPNs are commonly used by spammers, trolls, and socks to avoid country bans and IP bans. We do not actively ban all VPNs, but if we get a lot of abuse on a particular IP we ban it, so we have a lot of VPN IPs on ban.
These bans do not expire.
The same holds true for TOR routing. We don’t routinely ban all TOR exit nodes but we do have quite a lot of them IP banned due to past abuse.
Just tested with Betternet VPN. Via US works fine here, but via France does not. Go figure.
If you aren’t worried about other types of traffic than that coming to/from your browser, the latest version of the Opera browser includes free VPN service. It works pretty well IME. It’s got unlimited traffic too. Obviously a solution with limits but if you fit the limits it’s hard to beat free.
Another vote for PIA for a good high speed paid subscription service.
I also have a travel router with native OpenVPN support (free) and the OpenVPN client on my phone.
Change the server. I’ve never had an issue logging into SDMB with ExpressVPN. And I usually just use the basic US server out of New York.
It’s working fine for me. What server are you using?
It logs me into Frankfurt - I’ll try switching it to NY or Chicago later…