Reccomend some good online comic strips..

My personal favorites:

RPG World - I haven’t played RPGs in a while, but the dead-on riffs on all the dumb conventions, cliches, and plain old annoyances in RPGs (particularly console RPGs) are a riot. A massive ongoing saga that never fails to entertain.

XQUZYPHR & Overboard - The minimalist (or something) stylings of a brillaint and highly socially conscious New Yorker. Also a highly active blog.

Ruffhouse - A whole lotta Powerpuff Girls fans under one roof. Like Big Brother, only it’s actually good. Currently out of production, unfortunately. (click on “Ruffhouse Comics”)

Sportoon - All-too-true takes on the biggest stories in sports.

Although not strictly webcomics, I also strongly recommend Dykes To Watch Out For ( , click on the Comics link) and This Modern World ( , the link is there).

One that hasn’t been mentioned yet:

something positive - An indescribably hilarious strip. I love this one. Everyone should read it, every day. The creator’s away for a bit, so it’s on hiatus for a few days. Start reading from the first strip; that’ll give you some idea of what’s to come. My personal favorite is this strip about masturbation.

Read it, and you too will love Choo-Choo Bear, the hairless, boneless kitty…

Ah yes, something positive would’ve been on my list, as well. Let’s see is that linked strip the “fwap fwap fwap fwap” one?

Yep. That slays me. :smiley:

Also recommended:

Twisted Kaiju Theater - Godzilla and the gang, with an emphasis on lemon sour poop jokes. Sweet Monkey Jesus!

Critical Fumble - Sort of a little brother to 8-Bit Theater, with less facial stabbitting and Hadoken. But still fun.

Well, I guess I’m the first to mention [url=“”]Penny Arcade[/url. It’s very funny if you are into games (computer and platform.) Even if you aren’t, it can still be quite funny, you just might not get over half the jokes :slight_smile:

Also worth checking out are , and . Lots of enjoyment there.

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.


The content might be a bit objectionable,but is hilarious.

My vote for

Narile: Shame on you. :mad:
You mention these two but you neglect to mention Ralph E. Hayes Junior’s crowning masterpiece – Tales of the Questor?

Seriously, if you like this web cartoonist’s work on the other two, you’ll like Questor. :slight_smile:

If you like RPG themed riffs, check out Adventurer’s Comic.

AfterY2K! was probably the 1st or 2nd webcomic I visited (the other bein userfriendly). a2k isn’t updated vey often anymore, but the Joy of tech is udpaded MWF. Both are at:


Interesting sprite comic.
Too bad the guy doesn’t update too much… :frowning:

Man, almost all of my ‘web comics’ folder has been posted here! Alrighty, here’s a few that so far have not been mentioned… -a ‘web comic’ that is made from randomly taken quotes from a chat room (I think). Since its all done from a program, its the most reliably updated webcomic on my list (although sinfest hasn’t missed a day since I started reading it either). -an online comic journal done by an old classmate of mine. He’s a notorious slacker, so its hit and miss on the updates, but its free dangnabbit! And pretty funny to boot. -not free, but plenty of comics there. Plus the latest installments are free, so it only costs if you want to have access to the archives.

Another vote for RPG World and Twisted Kaiju Theater. Also check out Angels 2200 and Life of Riley.

Bent Comics - several indie comix

Whoops! Somehow I missed the fact that Tarrsk posted that before me. My bad.

If your sense of humor is as stupid as mine, you’ll love Elftor, Bob the Angry Flower, Pokey the Penguin, Jerkcity and The Parking Lot is Full.

Nobody mentioned goats or Soap on a Rope!?

They’re great.

Tales is good, but it does need to get a few more strips before I’ll recommend it. Nip & Tuck and Utlm both have the advantage they have been around a while longer.

Bruno by Christopher Baldwin is my top nomination for a Web comic to check out. It’s a really beautiful and personal story, and I’ve enjoyed watching the main character and her life develop.

I also enjoy PvP (geeky fun), Clan of the Cats (witchy, supernatural fun), Diesel Sweeties (feel like I’m the only one laughing fun) and Red Meat (can’t stop looking fun).