Recommend a DVD of The Marriage of Figaro

There are a bunch of version at
But since I know from nothing about it, I need help. (Please avoid the Geman version priced over $100. That’s out of my league.)

Any inputs you offer will be well appreciated.

This one?

Oh, wait—you said The Marriage of Figaro. :smack:

Would you settle for the Abduction of Figaro? It’s a Simply Grand Opera, and includes the Minnesota Opera Orchestra, the Corpse de Ballet, and the Whole Schmeer.

Not right now. Being on a limited budget, I’ll settle for the one I mentioned.

Maybe later though.

Dear BarnOwl:

Disclaimer - I have not seen any of them, I am simply going by performers I admire (or don’t).

Of all of them on that page, the one I’d recommend is this one , based entirely on how much I admire Gerald Findley as Figaro. There are others in the list that would probably be very good, such as the one with Te Kanawa and Von Stade. My personal taste is for modern instruments rather than ‘period’ instruments, and for that reason I would avoid the two conducted by Gardiner or Harnoncourt.

So, that’s my biased opinion based solely on looking at the boxes (and why in Hell don’t they give complete cast lists?). If you need to order right now, there’s one opinion for you. If you can wait a day or two, I’ll ask around and see if anyone I know collects opera DVDs, and if they have any recommendations to give.

Hoping all is well with you,

M. le Ministre

I can wait - and happily so.

Things are improving a bit, I’ve been told. Thanks for remembering, le M. le Ministre.

Yuk. Why would you want a video of someone else’s wedding?


Dear Barn Owl:

Oh, for crying in my sink! I should never ask other people for their recommendations. Here’s what I have -
James loves, loves, loves the John Elliot Gardiner and will not consider any other DVD. Personally, I don’t care for the sound of ‘period’ instruments, and especially not in repertoire as late as Mozart, so I cannot second his recommendation. At least we had a good bottle of wine throughout the discussion…

Don thinks the Pritchard is ‘definitive’, and even though I don’t care much for Kiri TeKanawa, I love Frederica Von Stade. Then again, am I buying ‘Marriage of Figaro’ for the Cherubino? I don’t think so. The whisky was worth the lengthy debate.

My recommendation remains the Haitink because of the performance of Gerald Finley, whom I thought was magnificent when I saw him in Toronto in the early '90s as Sid in Albert Herring and Figaro in Marriage of Figaro. His Figaro is delightful.

You may be interested in this site which I found - Figaro review . Sadly, I haven’t found a great site for online opinions of opera recordings and DVDs, but I will keep looking. I’m happy to solicit opinions for you, too, whenever I get a chance. It’s okay, I’m spending this week cleansing my liver :wink:

Best wishes,

Le Ministre

[QUOTE=Le Ministre de l’au-delà]
Dear Barn Owl:

Oh, for crying in my sink! I should never ask other people for their recommendations. Here’s what I have -
James loves, loves, loves the John Elliot Gardiner and will not consider any other DVD. Personally, I don’t care for the sound of ‘period’ instruments, and especially not in repertoire as late as Mozart, so I cannot second his recommendation. At least we had a good bottle of wine throughout the discussion…

Don thinks the Pritchard is ‘definitive’, and even though I don’t care much for Kiri TeKanawa, I love Frederica Von Stade. Then again, am I buying ‘Marriage of Figaro’ for the Cherubino? I don’t think so. The whisky was worth the lengthy debate.

My recommendation remains the Haitink because of the performance of Gerald Finley, whom I thought was magnificent when I saw him in Toronto in the early '90s as Sid in Albert Herring and Figaro in Marriage of Figaro. His Figaro is delightful.

You may be interested in this site which I found - Figaro review . Sadly, I haven’t found a great site for online opinions of opera recordings and DVDs, but I will keep looking. I’m happy to solicit opinions for you, too, whenever I get a chance. It’s okay, I’m spending this week cleansing my liver :wink:

Best wishes,

Le Ministre[/QUOTE


I’ll explore your links tomorrow.