Can anyone recommend an organization that you can make donations to whose sole function is to divy up those donations among worthy causes based on some division algorithm that is more sophisticated than “uhh, that seems like a good cause”? In particular, one that has low or zero overhead itself?
The United Way? They don’t have as low an overhead as some would like, but otherwise they fit the bill.
The United Way, a proven way way to start a feces fest of epic proportions on the SDMB. I don’t know much about the actual charity part of their business but people get monumentally pissed about the extortion they encourage in the workplace.
“Our Target = 100% giving rate. If you can’t afford it all at once, don’t worry, we can set up an easy payment plan throughout the whole year and deduct it from your paycheck!”
Again, I don’t know a ton about their actual charity administration or what the OP is asking the question for but employees really don’t like to be forced to give money so that the company and its managers won’t have to be embarrassed on a big chart with lots of colors. That is just something to keep in mind if the question is about workplace charities.
Oakminster, Inc.
We guarantee to spend your money.
Why don’t you just pick some charities you support and give them your money directly?
If you google “charity choices” or “charity navigator,” you can find plenty of info on various charities, along with links to the charities’ home pages.
You mean like a “charity index” (similiar in fashion to a stock market index, as in 50% homeless, 30% battered wives, 20% other)? I don’t know if something exists like that, but maybe. I just see it being hard to determine who gets x% of the money, how do you determine who gets what? The Red Cross might be sufficient for your needs, they cover a broad range of needs.
Certainly there are foundations which are usually have an area of interest for their philanthropy, and make grants to non-profits. Their overhead may be covered by returns on their endowment.