Recommend a new 27" TV w/2 S-Video inputs

That’s basically my requirement for a new TV this holiday season: 27 inches, 2 S-video inputs. I haven’t had much luck finding one. Either there’s 0 or 1 S-video inputs, or there’s 3 with 2 sets of component video inputs and all the bells, whistles, and doo-dads. I don’t want to spend $800 dollars on this TV. Can anyone recommend a model?

I have a 27" Sylvania I bought at Sears earlier this year. It has 2 s-video inputs, one in the front, one in the back.

Hmmm, nevermind.

I got a 27" Magnavox with S-Video inputs on the back and side for $190 on sale at Circuit City a few months ago.

Not a bad set.


I don’t know if this helps but you can get an audio video selector that will allow you to input 4 different S-Video cables into your TV. I don’t know what brand of TV has multiple S-Video inputs though.