Recommend me a washer-dryer

My current POC Candy washer-dryer made the most alarming noise the other day, so I’m guessing it’s time for a new one. My sister-in-law swears by her Miele but the price is eye-watering.

Which make and model would you recommend?

Miele make fantastic appliances but you do have to pay a lot for the quality.

I’ve had very good experiences with LG washers and dryers. Good, solid mid-range construction, never any mechanical problems or electronic malfunctions. And their front-loaders are very water-efficient.

Although I’m in the US, I have undercounter front loaders by Akso, a Swedish outfit. They’re designed for the Euro market so ought to be more applicable to Scottish construction than typical US models.

They seem reliable and efficient at 10+ years of age. No clue how the price compares to Miele.

At least in the US, Bosche has a reputation for expensive unreliability. I have no personal experience with them one way or the other.

LG Electronics makes a highly rated combo

We just bought a Samsung pair and it seems to work really well. Very quiet and does a great job cleaning. I’m not in love with the front load washer, but I’ll get used to it. Just easier to load and unload from the top.

There is no “e” in Bosch. :smack:

Because it’s got to sit under a counter-top, it has to be a front-loader.