I don’t drink. Not because I have anything against alcohol, but because I’m cheap, I don’t go to bars, and I haven’t found anything I like. People recommended stuff at the minifest, but I’ve forgotten =^.^=;
My requirements:
Not too expensive (use your best judgement)
Fairly easy to find (I have a Trader Joe’s nearby. I think there’s a BevMo a town over.)
I know I don’t like anything that tastes like alcohol (people in my guild at RenFaire always bring stuff to share). I don’t like carbonated drinks either. I’ve had various hard lemonades, but either I don’t drink it fast enough or they don’t have enough alcohol to really affect me.
I’m not really planning on getting DRUNK (at least until I go to RenFaire), but something to warm me up and relax me would be nice. Oddly enough (or perhaps not, I dunno), last time I managed to get tipsy I got more socially inhibited, but I don’t know if I could drink past that (or if it’d even be worth it).
I promise not to post drunk… at least not here. =^.^=
Where do you find Buffalo trace in LA? It’s great stuff, but I have never seen it here.
My recomendation would be Vodka and something that you like the taste of. Vodka is close to tastless and what little taste it has is covered up by the mixer.
Also (and I know you said you are against carbonated, but here me out) bourbon and ginger ale is fantastic! Also good with lemonade or sprite, but not as good. And you don’t have to get one of those fancy bourbons to do it (and don’t get me wrong, I am a bourbon snob). Some Wild Turkey or Old Forester will suit you just fine.
ETA: if you like coffee or hot chocolate Irish Whiskey is great mixed into either of those.
You would probably also like a well made* margarita or Long Island iced tea. Or a Purple Rain, which is the same as a Long Island except you replace the splash of Coke with Chambord.
*this really is important. They can be nasty if the person making it sucks.
Amaretto. DiSaronno brand is very good but you can find cheaper brands that are still good. Some like Amaretto and Coke, others like Amaretto and OJ…you can also drink it straight or figure out how to make an Amaretto Stone Sour.
I second the caucasian. If it’s good enough for The Dude, it’s good enough for anyone. I also second the recommendation of vodka+whatever suits your fancy. Right now I’m having a gussied up vodka gimlet - vodka, sweetened lime juice (fresh squeezed I might add!) and a few drops of vanilla extract.
Or, and I know I will be pestered by my niece to make this over spring break - frozen vodka lemonade. A can of lemonade, liquor to taste, and ice in the blender. I add strawberries to mine, and a pitcher of it is a wonderful way to make the world go away.
Another vote for White Russians here. Those things are delicious!
If you like lemonade flavor, try out a Tom Collins. They’re very refreshing, and you can find the mix for them in grocery stores. They can be made pretty much to taste, so you can have yourself a very weak lemonade drink, or a boozed up concoction that only vaguely recalls summertime beverages.
I’ve tried margeritas and that other one made with rum. I could taste the alcohol in both. Bleh. And they were supposedly well made, because my sister liked them.
I suppose I should’ve also said I don’t like coffee. I know, I’m just being difficult.
I’ve had vodka and lemonade a couple of times. The one time it was great, the other time I could still taste the booze. Same bottle, so I dunno what I did wrong.
You guys in California are just going to have to help me out at the next Dopefest. And maybe I should bring someone to drive. =^.^=
If you like ginger beer I wholeheartedly advocate gin and ginger beer. The gin seems to add a little “something” to the ginger beer, kind of an orange-y note, without being harshly alcoholic (provided you don’t pour it with too heavy a hand).
You mentioned vodka and lemonade; my favorite drink lately is raspberry vodka and lemonade. Smirnoff Raspberry or UV Blue both work very well, and they taste pretty much like the juice at the end of a sno-cone!
Girl + not heavy drinker + doesn’t taste like alchol + cheap = White Zinfindel.
Sure I wouldn’t touch the stuff with a ten foot pole, but I haven’t met a chicky-chick who doesn’t enjoy drinking this stuff like water. And it’s classier than Arbor Mist (classy wine for classy broads).
Just pick up any generic bottle at any store that sells liquor, there are plenty of cheap kinds.
Edited to add (just in case there are people who* really * don’t know): White Zinfindel is a white wine, although most have a pinkish hue.
White Zinfandel is not a white wine. It’s a pink wine, just as the second half of your sentence notes. It’s a ‘blush’ or a ‘rosé’ - pink wine made from red grapes, but definitely not white.
It is widely available, and most of the cheaper, easy to find brands are pretty sweet and not of the highest quality, but there are some really delicious and well made White Zinfandels out there. Nicely chilled on a hot summer day, it’s just perfect.