I’m going to complete probation at my current job soon, which means that pretty soon, for the first time ever, I’m going to go shopping for a new car. No more cheap used one-wheel-in-the grave clunkers for me, I’m starting fresh! Of course, because this is such a monumental step, I’m going to need advice. Lots of it. The more the better.
Firstly, my four big requirements:
I have a bit over $26,000 in my savings account the last time I checked. I definitely do not want to go that high, however. $15,000-17,000 is a good figure, $20,000 is a “definite maybe", and the absolute highest I’m willing to go is $23,000, and ONLY if we’re talking top-of-the-line quality.
It must not take up a lot of space, and an outright compact is ideal. Not just for parking, but cornering; there are a lot of places on Oahu that require really sharp turns, especially (but definitely not only) parking lots.
Even though Oahu doesn’t have the kind of long drives most parts of the mainland have, I do expect at least reasonably good fuel mileage, especially for a compact. 26 MPG highway minimum. Furthermore, while I expect some loss of performance over time, I do not want it to turn into a complete gas guzzler after the fifth year or so.
It must be built to last. I do not want a critical system (engine, radiator, transmission, braking, starting, powertrain, electrical, etc.) suffering a complete catastrophic breakdown every six months. Same goes for things that aren’t critical but are a real pain in the butt to replace (power windows, power locks, air conditioning, etc.). Furthermore, when something does go wrong, I want it to be repairable…none of that search all over the island twice over for that Benz part and spend forever and a day five times and take it to the dealer twice trying vainly to correct the problem junk. (That’s what my dad’s been going through for months, and that stupid Benz still isn’t ready.)
Few other notes…
- I’ll almost never get a chance to go over 60 anymore, so performance isn’t a big concern.
- I don’t need a lot of trunk space. Enough for a typical load of groceries is fine. I won’t be doing airport pickups or heavy moving with this car.
- Safety isn’t a big priority. In my experience, the best way to avoid being injured in an accident is to not cause one (and I’m a really safe, courteous driver; ask my mom). We don’t have swarms of SUV’s here, so I’m not too worried about being run over.
- I don’t want to get a Civic, as that’s the most frequently stolen vehicle in the stage, plus every Civic owner I’ve ever known has run into really nasty problems after just a few years. I’m a bit leery about the Prius due to its heavy reliance on electronic components…I’ve had too much experience with electronics to ever believe this is a good thing. And I will never buy a Camry, not after the ungodly laundry list of problems I’ve encountered in each of the three Camrys I’ve driven.
Right now I’m leaning pretty strongly toward a Corolla. I’ve heard some nice things about the Accord as well, especially its dependability. And if modern Sentras are a big improvement over that gas hog with the eternally unreliable electrical system I had in college, that’s also a possibility.
(Oh, and I’m perfectly open to domestics that meet my criteria. I’m not holding my breath.)