I’ve been on a big cyberpunk kick lately, just having reread all the Neal Stephenson I own (Snow Crash has got to be my favorite cyberpunk novel of all time). I’ve already read a lot of Bruce Sterling’s stuff and adored Hardwired (Walter Jon Williams, IIRC), and am looking for some new reading material. Can you Dopers give me some recommendations for good cyberpunk?
Anything by William Gibson.
Just chiming in to agree with World Eater. Check out Neuromancer by Gibson. It’s hard to believe that it was written in the '80’s.
Neuromancer by William Gibson is the best. Anything by Rudy Rucker is the worst.
I like some of Gibson’s stuff – I’ve read Neuromancer and Burning Chrome and loved them both, but some of his other books (I’m thinking of Idoru) have left me cold.
It’s been a while, but I did go through quite a cyberpunk period. Here’s some names I remember reading and enjoying:
Definitely William Gibson.
The late George Alec Effinger’s stuff (really entertaining!)
Another vote for Bruce Sterling and Walter Jon Williams.
K.W. Jeter’s “Dr. Adder” series.
Richard Khadrey’s “Metrophage”.
John Shirley.
Philip K. Dick.
Pat Murphy’s “The City, Not Long After”.
W.T. Quick.
Robert C. Williams.
I’m sure there are others, but my books are in storage now.
At any rate, have a great time exploring.
Althought its not a novel, theres an old role playing game called Cyberpunk. The manual for the game was a really good read, with lots of art and descriptions. I would certainly check it out.
Blood Music by Greg Bear is sometimes considered cyberpunk and sometimes not.
Great read though.
You’ve got to read anything/all Jon Courtney Grimwood…very cool!
To date, I’ve read re-Mix, redRobe, Lucifer’s Dragon, all amazing. I’m trying to find neo-Addix, but not having any luck.
I agree Snowcrash is one of the best ever. I’m in the middle of The Diamond Age and liking it…
For short stories, check out the Mirrorshades anthology edited by Bruce Sterling.
Zanshin I’m right there with you on Idoru, but if you read and enjoyed Neuromancer, check out Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive. They form a trilogy, and they are all excellent.
Y’all are the best. Thanks for the recommendations.
(And World Eater, I’ve never played Cyberpunk but I was a big Shadowrun fan back in the day. As soon as d20 Modern comes out I’ll be working up a homebrewed d20 Shadowrun system.)
If you like good shadowrun stories may I suggest Shapcano’s Shadowrun Stories http://www.shapcano.com/
Shapcano’s stories are some of the best I have read and he has a lot of talented writers submitting to him.
No mention of Pat Cadigan? Is she any good? I tried to read Synners once and couldn’t get into it.
And I’ve sometimes heard Lucius Shepard’s work being called cyberpunk. He’s certainly interesting enough to look into anyway.