My taste in this series tends to diverge wildly from other people’s, so, grain of salt…
Dance of the Dead (Tobe Hooper) was strange, and rather viscerally disturbing. In the end, what the hell is going on is never quite clear, but it’s bad stuff. My favourite bit is incredibly disturbing, disgusting, and also gut-bustingly funny to me, in the sheer depraved absurdity: Robert Englund’s character inducing one of the semi-animate corpses to give him head.
Homecoming (Joe Dante) isn’t scary, or even disturbing, and it’s a rather heavy-handed political commentary. But it’s also funny as all hell.
Cigarette Burns (John Carpenter) was a pretty good gore-fest, with enough of a story going for it to be interesting.
Sick Girl (Lucky McKee) is, indeed worth watching. Unless you have a bug phobia. It’s creepy, disturbing, and, actually sexy (until the real creepy stuff starts to colour that), with interesting characters, and a thin, but entertaining plot. My favourite episode of the series.
Haekel’s Tale (John McNaughton) defies spoiler-free description. It is sick and gory, manages sexy, if ever so briefly, and I couldn’t look away.
Family (John Landis) is sick and disturbing in a strange, banal way. George Went’s discussions with his family, particularly. Medium gore factor.
The Washingtonians (Peter Medak) is another that isn’t particularly disturbing, or scary, though it has some fun gore scenes. It’s a favourite of mine because it’s just. So. Fucking. Weird.
My least favourites:
Incident On and Off a Mountain Road (Don Coscarelli) had no story to speak of, no real scares, and the gore wasn’t entertaining or plentiful enough to make up for the lack.
The Damned Thing (Tobe Hooper again) and Deer Woman (John Landis) I couldn’t bear to watch long enough to make an educated comment on. Bo-Ring.
Chocolate (Mick Garris) had an interesting premise, but was rather ineptly executed, ruining the effect.
Jenifer (Dario Argento) I actually rather enjoyed, but mostly for the ‘what the fuck?’ factor. Not for everybody, and not one I’d go out of my way to watch again.