Did anyone else watch this? It’s a new weekly series on NBC devoted to stories of horror, apparently done by those who specialize in horror on the big screen.
The debut was quite predictable, though bloodier and more violent than I might have expected even though it was on at 10pm.
I’m hoping for more original stories in coming weeks.
I saw it. And found out today why it seemed so much like Masters of Horror - the same person developed both shows. Apparently he took his idea to the networks when Showtime decided against a third season of MOH.
It wasn’t too bad, but I was kind of surprised that the writer and director weren’t people I knew for horror. This episode reminded me of a couple of Stephen King short stories in Everything’s Eventual; the one about Roland and the crime goes bad one. I’m hoping some of the others will be less derivative…
I didn’t know what to expect when I saw this, since I had seen no hype. The sisters were very creepy. I knew somethingwas going to happen when the one girl enticed the guy into the barn, and was very surprised when he fell into the blanket-covered well!
I liked the guy hanging upside down dripping blood into a pot - nice enticement for the vampire! What was the deal with the stew, though? I wondered if it was human meat at first.
I liked it, but the vampire’s look was a bit laughable. The ending was good, when the girl thought she was going to finally get to see the world, but realizes the guy had been bitten, and slowly closes the gate. Her expression was spot on.
I thought it was surprisingly creepy until the vampire showed up (he looked a little goofy).
I had a hard time believing that the whole colony of Romanians hadn’t managed to successfully kill the bugger in all that time. Why devote all your energies to victim luring/trapping instead of dealing with the problem directly?
The same thing at the end - why not decapitate the guy and book?
Anyways, it held my interest enough that I’m willing to give it another try next week.
I don’t watch a whole lot of TV, but this interested me and I intended to tune in. After 45 minutes of watching housewives snorting coke and Fleetwood Mac playing in the background, I started wondering what was up; it wasn’t scary at all! . But then I realized I had the wrong channel. Swingtown. :smack:
(In my defense, though, I was only half paying attention when I was watching Swingtown. I’m sure if I had devoted my full attention to it, I would’ve caught it much sooner.)
I was really worried that Masters of Horror on network TV was not going to work at all…that it would have to be really watered down. The Sacrifice actually wasn’t, despite getting a TV-14 rating. I could have seen it fitting in alongside with the original HBO version, although
I was hoping there would be a lot more to it than just a vampire. It kind of had an essence of The Village so I waiting for a bigger twist. When the main jock finds that bite at the end, was it supposed to implying that the last remaining blonde girl bit him, and was sending him out into the woods to find his own prey?
They are really stretching the term “masters” of Horror this season though. The director of The Sacrifice is Michael Eisner’s son, and doesn’t have much on his resume other than a failed pilot and some movies I’ve never heard of. I guess that’s one of the reasons the show’s name was changed? Also, I HATE the theme song.
No, he was bitten by his brother, but the surviving girl didn’t see him get bitten. She definitely wasn’t releasing him to find his own prey - as soon as she saw the bite, she closed the big door, locking them both back inside - her sense of duty would not let her be free. It seemed like trapping the monster in the pit was a pretty good tactic, wish they had thought to do it, oh 200 years ago?
I was refering to Beyond…although Thought Crimes was another unsuccessful tv pilot he directed. And The Invisible Man doesn’t even have a wikipedia page!