So, I’m gonna have a good quality tv/dvd/etc. setup this weekend for the first time ever. I want to spend a lot of time just lounging around and watching movies that will wow me with the new setup.
So, if there any movies that you say “wow, I’d just love to see that on a really nice tv” or “wow, I’m glad I have a really nice tv to see that”, that are just visually stunning in some way, be it effects, cinematography, whatever, please recommend them.
For epic sets and general massiveness:
Fritz Lang’s Metropolis
Blade Runner
Dark City
For dreamy, immersive weirdness:
Waking Life
What Dreams May Come
For some action madness:
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Blade 1 and 2
Lock, Stock, And Two Smoking Barrels
And for some plain old-fashioned quality cinematography:
The Man Who Wasn’t There
The Silence of the Lambs
The Passion of Joan of Arc
Cries and Whispers
The Godfather Trilogy
And just for fun:
Toy Story Parts 1 and 2
The Emperor’s New Groove
Oh, and to really stretch your system to the maximum limits of its capability, Clerks.
If Clerks looks good on your setup, I wanna come over to your house.
Well, most of them have already been mentioned, so yeah, buy everything by Jean-Pierre Jeunet (he’s the guy who did Amelie, City of Lost Children, and Delicatessen. All three of his movies are just visually AMAZING!! He also did Alien Ressurrection, but I wouldn’t hold that against him.
If you like music videos, get a collection of Bjork videos. Those things are fucking amazing. I also love the Tool set that came out. I’m sure I’m going to butcher the name, but the stop motion/claymation style they have was influenced by The Brothers Calaminov or something like that. Very dark, cryptic, and fascinating stop motion. I’ll try to find the proper name for you (unless someone else out there knows who I’m talking about).
the anime Metropolis is wonderful.
And, of course, The Adventures of Baron Munchaussen and Brazil. Although I’m not a terribly big fan of the latter, these two are Gilliam’s best movies, and are both absolutely stunning.
Blade Runner is also really impressive visually. And really good.
I have to agree with ** The Adventured of Baron Munchaussen**, but the most visually stimulating movie I have ever seen is Toys with Robin Williams and Joan Cusack. The story was a loser, but wonderful for the eyes.
Koyaanisqatsi! Koyaanisqatsi! Koyaanisqatsi! Koyaanisqatsi! For All Mankind!
Koyaanisqatsi is a visual documentary with soundtrack by Philip Glass there’s been half a dozen threads about it, great film!
For All Mankind is a documentary about the space program directed by the screenwriter for Apollo 13 (another good choice). Totally stunning, plus the commentary tracks include interviews with various Apollo astronauts.
Try any of the Pixar films; ToyStory 1&2, Bug’s Life, Monsters Inc,
or Dreamwork’s Shrek.
Sound effects are perfect since they are all post-production and the resoultion doesn’t lose anything when blown up on a projection tv.
If you want color, try The Fifth Element. It’s a standard test disc for testing a system’s color calibration, and reasonably entertaining. If you can get the SuperBit edition, it’s even better. If you want to see what black-and-white should look like, try Citizen Kane or The Maltese Falcon, both absolutely gorgeous discs.