Red Haired People Are Fucking Repulsive.

I’m sure a real man can turn that around. Gimme her phone number!

Anyway. Hearing redheads complain is like hearing some young and good looking multi-billionaire uppleclass twit complain how hard it is being rich. Didn’t you know red is the new blond. It’s the fetish of choice amongst the hoi polloi. Everybody wants to be fucking red.

You really should try to suggest this to her in person; see if you can work it together with the gag about matching collar and cuffs; it’s bound to be a hit… Sorry… get you a hit.

And if I could just fit in the “broads-belong-in-kitchen” angle somewhere, I’d be home free. Works every time. Chicks just love it. You should try it.

Wow. Y’know the OP was over the top and everything, but look at some of the comments in this thread. Imagine yourself as a redhead, something you’re born with, and hearing this stuff, your whole life. Waving it off as people being insensitive idiots only goes so far. Sure, I can grow a skin, grow a pair, or whatever, but knowing that a not-insignificant portion of the population thinks like this just because you have red hair is pretty disconcerting. We can make unbelievable technological and social advances, but we still have this shit hanging around. And this isn’t anywhere near the worst of it; it’s way worse for black folks, gays, etc. :frowning: Crap, I’m a white American, college-educated, professionally employed, relatively healthy and prosperous person (putting me in probably the top 2-3% of the world population in terms of being “lucky”), and I still wonder what it would be like to be “normal”, to have nothing that anybody’s prejudiced against. It’s almost like Gattaca or something.

But I don’t mean to sound whiny; I’ve done pretty well for a ginger freak with translucent eyebrows, so ultimately, I can kind of write this stuff off. Except when I think about it.

Never heard of this in the States.

If this is a primarily British thing, I wonder if it’s some distant cultural echo of England’s trouble with the Viking raids?

From the fury of the northmen, God deliver us!


Yeah, I was wondering if perhaps the British prejudices against redheads were tied in to their derision of Irish, Welsh and Scots. It’s really funny, a bunch of pasty white people harshing on other pasty white people. Kind of like that old Star Trek episode where people were at war with each other over having the black half/white half on opposite sides.

I’ve naturally got really, really red hair, the kind that has purple overtones in bright sunlight. And I’ve caught shit about it maybe thrice in my life, and we’re talking really mild shit, like some girl in junior high who asked me why I didn’t dye my hair.

I dunno. It’s never seemed like a disadvantage to me; on the contrary, I’ve always thought it was my most attractive physical attribute.


Having had a disproportionate share of red-headed girlfriends* during my single years, I can state, without fear of contradiction, that red-headed women are Lucifer’s offspring. Each and every last one of them. Yet, despite knowing that, if the raven-haired Mrs. D_Odds ever kicked me out (because I damn sure ain’t gonna leave on my own), I would somehow end up with a redheaded lady. I’m weak.

*As in ~50%; don’t ask why, I can’t figure it out myself.

There’s prejudice against redheads?

Man, you really do learn something new every day. My quota for the week is filled, I think. I had absolutely no clue about this. I’ve never heard redheadedness mentioned as anything but a positive. Ever.

Jeez. Is there any group anywhere that isn’t the target of somebody’s prejudice?

I am also a redhead.

No one has ever seemed to find it unpleasant.

I guess when you are a freakin’ idiot, you may as well compound your ignorance by citing television as the source of your information.

The fact is, every variation of hair, eye, and skin color is subject to both praise and loathing. You are only interested in filtering out something for which you can take offense.

Is that woman raven haired and olive skinned, or swarthy? Is her friend a bubble headed blonde or a golden haired goddess? Does a light skinned man have an alabaster complexion or is he ghostly? Peaches and cream or a splotchy mess? Chestnut or mud-brown?

Come off it. There are better things to worry about.

My sister’s ex-husband is a redhead - bright orange variety. She tells me he’s been dating successfully since their breakup (it was amicable, they remain friends). I always thought he was okay-looking. Except for when he wore his hair really long. Then he looked like Krusty the Klown.

Huh, so they have this in common with big legged women?

You wouldn’t have noticed, seeing as you’re really, really, really, good-looking.

Someone mentioned that Lindsay Lohan got referred to as “fire-crotch”. I always assumed that meant she had a raft of STD’s. Could be wrong though.

FTR, loves me some redheads. Actually, loves me one redhead. Mrs. Dante am got some red hair. :smiley:

So, uh, ahem… does the carpet match the drapes, then?


No problem 'cos I’m a lesbian also.

trapped in a mans body

Well, I can understand that. Blue eyes are just weird.

I have my freaky translucent eyebrows dyed to a non-freaky shade of brown.

Are you KIDDING?

?? Albinos can’t swim?