Red Haired People Are Fucking Repulsive.

Eh. Depends on when you ask me. If I look at it on the whole, I’m lucky and have done well in life, so I’m not all freaked out by it. But I do have moments where I wish I didn’t look like I do.

But you’re a woman; there is a tremendous disparity in atitudes towards redheaded women vs. redheaded men, as evidenced in this thread. The women are mostly saying “I’ve never had a problem” whereas the men do.

My red-haired husband did get some grief as a child, but since he looked like Howdy-Doody and his parents made him take accordian lessons, one can sort of understand. Then he grew up, turned gorgeous, and learned a buncha martial arts, and oddly enough, nobody bugs him anymore.

I’m in the red-heads are hot camp.

Ghost people, huh? Interesting. It would have never occurred to me to find it disturbing to look at a sea of pale blue eyes, but then that’s what every single member of my household had when I was growing up. (We’re of 100% Norwegian descent.)

I’m a ghost people. Cool.

I have fire-mouth. Red moustache (and beard, when I had one).

Perhaps I should call Lindsay Lohan for some hot fire-on-fire action.

I dunno. I had tons of problems with the hair when I was a kid. Got lots and lots of shit for being both a very red redhead and being ghosty white growing up in Florida among the tan people. I like it now (it’s always nice when all the hair stylists in the salon come over to admire your hair color) but if you had asked me in sixth grade, it would’ve been a different story. Consequently, I sorta resent the faux redheads. They didn’t truly suffer for their hair color…

Me too. I have blonde/light brown hair, and a medium complexion, but my beard is bright red. That’s mostly the reason I’ve never had facial hair. as the contrast is strange.

I’m also in the camp that had never heard of ginger discrimination. I had to look it up when I saw the South Park episode.

Count me in as another person who has never heard of a prejudice against redheads. I’ve never even heard the term “ginger” in reference to them. You learn something stupid every day, it would seem.

I live in a hole

Dated a very attractive red-head senior year in college. She could tan, which was especially wild.

How to put this…Ehm…certain, uh, attributes of the true red-headed woman are…ah, fuck it, the red muff was totally hot!

Yeah, I would think that even positive attention for it could be a little problematic.

I’ve had tons of women, especially hairdressers, tell me they they love my hair. But it’s in the “I want to dye my hair that color” sense and not the “do me now, studmuffin” sense.

I have to say again, though, that I’ve never experienced out-and-out prejudice like they seem to have in England, but I have overheard women tell friends that they wouldn’t date me because I had red hair. :confused: It’s kind of a borderline thing for me. I don’t mind that people have personal preferences or anything, but to hear that as the only stated reason for not being attracted to me is not a comfortable feeling. But I’m a big boy now, happily married now, and I’ve moved on. All of the unpleasantness is just a memory for me now, and for that, I’m thankful.

I never dated a red haired man, not because I don’t find them attractive because I do but because there aren’t a lot of men with red hair.

Thinking back to high school there were two guys with red hair and they were both wildly popular. I don’t know if it was the hair or because they had great personalities and were so much fun, but it sure didn’t stop them.

People, especially kids always make fun of different. People made fun of me because I was taller than everyone else and skinny. I dream of those days.

Well, we do, but it’s in the form of expense, work, and inhaling the lovely fragrance of the hair dye, rather than in the form of taunts. But most of the teasing I’ve taken for my hair color is of a very affectionate kind, from people who know and care about me, rather than ugliness. I’m sure that would have been different had I been red-haired as a child. But growing up, my best friend was a red-head, and I don’t really remember her being taunted, either.

Everybody wants to be a minority sometimes.


Yeah. redhead is used to discribe someone. She’s a hot redhead. He’s a redheaded wanker. It aint the hair color that is the insult, Mick Hucknall is a shithead, his hair colour is only a discriptor. Though male red heads on TV are mostly shit heads that I cathink of, Chris Evans, Mick Hucknall, Carrot Top, no one thinks they are shitheads because their hair is red. People even colour their hair red so they can be part of the group of redheads, which is far more classy than blondes or brunnettes.

So stop being such a pissy pants cry baby (all attributes that have no connection to the colour of your hair.)

Bippy (A dark brown curly bonce, who would much rather be a redhead)

I aint cryin, pal. I just got to thinkin about how it is deemed aceptable to mock redheads. Blondes should probably get as pissed off.

Back up the way, a poster mentioned that some women have said they wouldnt date him because he’s a redhead. Now, if they said they wouldnt date him because he’s a jew (regardless of all other attributes) wouldnt that be considered offensive?

Although its nice to know that in America things arent as bad as over here (i’m Irish, its pretty bad, but in Britain you were as well be a leper).

I’m actually a dary auburn colour. Brown eyebrows. I used to describe myself as Auburn, but now I always just say Redhead.

Theres nothing worse than a self-loathing redhead.

No, of course not. If someone said she wouldn’t date me because I WASN’T Jewish, why would I get offended? If someone wouldn’t date me because I’m not Baptist, I wouldn’t get offended; I sure as hell wouldn’t date someone who was a hard-core Baptist.

Whatever turns you on is your business and the business of the folks who consent to be involved with you. It is nobody else’s business (unless you bring the unconsenting into it, at which point it becomes everybody’s business).


Indeed. I dated a redhead for a while… but she was a smooth as could be. I tried saying that she should grow it back out because it’d be hot, but she just looked at me like I’d grown a third eyeball when I suggested it. Oh well.

Support for redheads - here

I read somewhere that some people used to think that redheads were the result of the parents having sex during the mother’s period, and that redheads inherited their parents’ lack of discipline and self-restraint.


I remember one time I pulled this woman over for driving through a stop sign and when I got to the window she was on a cell phone saying “I have to go, I just got pulled over by a cop” then she looks up at me and starts yelling into the phone “oh no! It’s a red haired cop! I’m sooo going to be fucked!!”

:smiley: Hey, let me buy you dinner first.

But honestly. Where did this attitude come from?:confused:
At least I’m not a day walker!:stuck_out_tongue:

My hair is bright red, almost orange. When my wife is pissed at me she calls me Pumpkinhead :mad: