Red Roof Inn=Homophobic Blabbermouths

My girlfriend and I spent an almost-lovely weekend together for New Year’s at the Red Roof Inn. I say “almost” because it would have been lovely if not for the asshattery of the staff.

We had a first floor room and could hear a lot of the goings-on outside our door. One of the things we overheard were the maids talking about us and their subjections about our activities. Suffice it to say their comments were not kind.

I left the room Saturday afternoon to go to Quick Trip to get some supplies. Apparently I didn’t look happy. While I was gone, GF heard one of the staff say, “Ha ha, they’re fighting.” True, I was upset at GF at the time, but what the hell business is it of theirs?

I can accept the fact that employees will gossip. I can even get past their homophobic comments. But what happened afterwards was simply unacceptable. GF was sitting next to the window and she happened to look out through a gap between the window and the drawn curtain. She saw some guests pull up and head towards their room. She then saw one of them point to our door and say:

“There’s a couple of lesbians in that room gettin’ it on.”

What. The. Fuck.

How the hell could they have known that? It’s not like either of us were screaming in ectsasy. And there were no guests on either side of our room.

So fuck you, Red Roof Inn. Fuck your big-mouthed bigoted staff, their
unprofessional behavior, and the violations of privacy perpetrated by them.

I’ve already sent a complaint to their website, and needless to say we won’t be staying there again.


Most my bad experiances with bigots at hotels have ended at the point where I need to start arguing to get a room with one bed for two guys.

Just some questions here… why didn’t you tell them off?

If you found out that those employees were fired then would you go back?

If you’re really in KC, go to the Doubletree next year, or something like the New Theatre Restaurant. There were gays, lesbians, and even a tranvestite (possibly transsexual) couple there last night that we saw, even dancing on the stage. It’s expensive but nice.

Should have searched first.


'Cause my GF asked me not to. I complained online so GF wouldn’t be embarassed by a face-to-face confrontation.

I’m not sure, maybe. Right now I’m just pissed.

I’m in the St. Louis area. Sorry my name’s misleading, I’m going to ask that it be changed soon.

But GF and I are going to KC for Valentine’s Day, and I’ll pass the info along to her, thanks!

The kind of people that make fun of other people, usually have a shitload of problems themselves. Instead of facing those problems, they’d rather make fun of someone to assert their imagined superiority.
Being 5’3" I’ve been the brunt of jokes for a great many narrow-minded shitheads.
But enough about me, I’m glad you sent a complaint to Red Roof Inn about those dipshits. Good for you.

Threaten them you’ll tell your gay male friends their name is secretly an anagram of Rod Inferno.

Please tell more, this is amazing. You used the plural form, so this is a repetitive problem? What were the circumstances and the hotels?

If it helps, when I was a desk clerk I had some lesbians come in and start making racist comments about Mexicans and Indians. Somewhere, somehow, cosmic justice has been done.

Oh yeah. That makes it all ok.


Sorry, I don’t mean to belittle what was probably a pretty bad experience.

Hotels just seem to bring out the worst in people. I can’t tell you how many racists waltzed right in to my door and proceeded to tell me all their racists BS. I had one guy proclaim my that beloved Indian bosses, who were like family to me, were “towel-heads” (when I made a face he said “Oh, I didn’t mean it that way”…well, how did you mean it?) I had another guy insist that I could procure a room in a full hotel “for a fellow white person” (yeah, uh-huh, let me just get the keys for the white people room…)

I’m sorry you had this experience. FWIW, motels are usually individually owned an operated (the franchise and name are a fee-based thing) and the management has little chance to supervise or observe the staff. Chances are there is some very nice Indian family running the place that has no idea that their maids (often there are several language barriers) and guests are acting like total assholes. You’d be far better off alerting the management of that particular location than bothering the franchise, who cares only about if they get their franchise fees or not.

I’m so sorry you had your weekend spoiled by some bigot idiots, KCSuze.

I wonder: Is there something like an anti-discrimination group like [at the bottom of the page is a telephone number you can call when you’re being discriminated like that] in America?
Or a law that forbids these things?

I have to say that the Netherlands isn’t such a friendly place like it used to be anymore, towards homosexuals [due to extreme intolerant people of a certain religion], but at least you still can complain to the correct authorities and sometimes get an hotel like that to court and win.

I hope there is something like that and I hope you and your friend will have a wonderful hotel-weekend on December 31 2006.

[if you want, you can send me the URL of the hotel. I can curse beautifully in English. :)]

What sort of veiled nonsense is this?

I’m assuming you’re talking about Muslims. A few (obviously horrible) real life examples of Muslim homophobia aside, I mostly encounter it in speeches by the far right of the political spectrum. Í’m not saying there aren’t any problems with Muslim youths in this country - there are. But to state that the Netherlands is somehow more homophobic than it was 10 years ago (for example) would be vastly hyperbolic.

Having said that, I regret any actual instance of homophobia, such as in the OP. I do think Suze should have complained then and there, though. No use throwing it up to the corporate level - it’ll just get buried somewhere.

You should have sicked Lamar on them!

Of course you could have smugly said, “I may be a lezzie but at least my girlfriend actually knows how to make me come!”

If you’re in St Louis then I would recommend staying at a Drury Inn instead. Not much more money but much better quality than a Red Roof. I spent a lot of weeks with a previous employer at the one on Olive and their staff was always top notch and professional.

Ya, I don’t know where you’ve been recently, but Gum here, Muslims are his fixation. Kinda sick, really.


**Gum **is a woman, and a very nice woman, and has a right to state her opinion and then back it up, methinks. Just as much as any of you have a right to state it.

Of course she has a right to state her opinion. Let’s all wait for that “backing it up” part, then, shall we?

That’s why I added it. It *was *a harsh condemnation. I’ve got no bone in this fight, except that I really like gum.