I’ve tried punching a few different things in to Google, but to no avail.
I’m basically looking for some details on why the US backed the government overthrow, and HOW they backed it.
I’ve tried punching a few different things in to Google, but to no avail.
I’m basically looking for some details on why the US backed the government overthrow, and HOW they backed it.
Well, this is all I have on it, hope it somehow helps.
AJAX (U.S./U.K. 51) Plan developed in 1951 to overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh in response to his nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. The collapse of the Mossadegh regime led to the re-establishment of a monarchy headed by Reza Shah Pahlavi. Approved in late June, 1953, the shah returned to Tehran on 22 August. (Source: MI6 by Stephen Doril, The Free Press, 2000)
The CIA did it. They paid and supplied protesters and other rabble rousers to picket and cause miscellaneous mayhem to give the appearance of popular support for returning the shah. I saw a documentary on one of the Discovery channels about it recently, but there’s plenty of books out there covering it (and I’m not talking about conspiracy nutbag crap, either). There’s a lot more to it to that, but I just wanted to point out one of the many subversions of popularly elected sovereign govenments by our CIA (see also Guatemala, Chile, Nicaragua, Australia, etc., etc.)
Oh yeah, I forgot about the WHY part. Oil. Mosedegh (sp?) wanted to get rid of the British and American oil companies and restore the Iranian oilfields to, well, Iran. The nerve! The shah was more pliable and willing to let business as usual go on.
What did the CIA do in Australia?
The CIA is accused of having engineered the dismissal in 1973 of Labor PM E. G. Whitlam.
Oh and this one might be interesting as well ( supoosedly it is the CIa’s own history as published by the NY Times ):
One more ( this one empasizes Britain’s involvement a bit more ) :
Why, and how? Whitlam was dismissed by the Governor General, on behalf of the Queen.
Thank you everyone for your responses regarding the OP.