I am beginning to wonder: Just what IS a relationship these days, and does anyone really have them anymore?
The way life works these days, most single adult people are doing one, or more, of three things:
[li]getting a higher education[/li][li]steadily working a full time job, or multiple jobs[/li][li]caring for their families if they are single parents[/li]
So, I ask you, in today’s society, are people not “supposed” to have relationships? I don’t know many people who have TIME for a relationship, and if they do, it may only be a few hours a week/month. Does a few hours a week or month constitute a relationship?
Today’s society is seemingly geared toward “professionalism.” People are married to their jobs, married to their finances, married to their educations, and so on. For those whom are already married to a spouse, how much time do you truly get to spend together? I suspect it is not a great deal of time.
What is really confusing is, if you are not doing at least one, or more of the three items of point above, you are viewed as undateworthy. OTOH, If you DO foot the bill for any of these, and are considered desirable, when do you have TIME for dating or relationships? It’s the oxymoron standard. If you’re not a “professional” you can’t date. If you are a “professional” you don’t have TIME to date. UGH!
Teemings, what’s your take on this? To those of you who are in relationships, married or not married, how much time do you get together, and is it enough? How do you manage it?
Relationships seem to have become as “expendable” as, say, watching television. You either have time for it or don’t, or you think it is a waste of time. If you miss it, it’s no big deal, it’s just an “amusement” and has no real substance to life. Has society degraded so much that relationships have become nothing more than “playthings?” I see it so much, so often, with so many people, and have even been through it myself. It’s almost like society is saying: “People don’t matter anymore. Look out for number one, and screw everyone else.”
I can’t be overtly negative about single parents having this problem, because providing for their kids should come first. I just find it tragic that for those, like myself, who are childless single adults, don’t seem to be “allowed” to have a relationship. I know, because of the demands of everyday modern life, I will end up falling into the trap, as well. Prices are rising … people have rent to pay, things to maintain, food to buy, utilities to pay, gas to put in their cars, and so on. Survival isn’t easy these days. That still doesn’t mean we should forfeit the privilege of having relationships, does it?