release, sweet Jesus I found release

sigh, oh man that felt sooooooooo good.
what happened?
well back when I was about 10 my parents bought this TI-99 game system at a flea market near our house and a few consoles. Nothing too expensive. Well one of the games was Tombstone City. For the next two years I played that game ALL the time. Well we moved it got packed in a box and it’s still sitting in my grandmother’s basement which has only slightly less boxes in it then there are people in hell, probably right next to my romper stompers. So we’ve never attempted to get it, nor do I think it would work anymore. Anyway a couple of weeks ago I learn about emulators and I download MESS, the TI99 files and the Tombstone City bin files. I spend the next 4 hours trying to get the damn things to work. No luck. Look at this site to try and figure out how to run it, no help. All the while my blood pressure is going through the roof. So I right him asking for help. He writes back saying yeah it’s confusing and he’s gonna fix it. And he does sort of. It’s still confusing but I’ve gotten a little further. So I’m sitting here tonight and after a couple of hours of fiddling with it, trying to run it through DOS and various other ways I get it, it works and OH MY GOD did that feel good. The relief I felt was incredible, way better then sex or good food. I can finally sleep well.

Anybody ever have an experience like that?

Yes. I understand exactly. Yeah, that’s the ticket.