So far, my favorite anagram of “Cardinal Ratzinger”.
(This is not intended to be an accurate characterization).
So far, my favorite anagram of “Cardinal Ratzinger”.
(This is not intended to be an accurate characterization).
Ah yes, the fun game of calling every German a Nazi no matter what their age or background. Cheap shot.
As an ex-Catholic, I could give a Ratz ass who is Pope, but if you read anything about him, I think you will find “Nazi” is not exactly accurate by any means. Plus, I believe he has done more to improve Jewish/Catholic relations than anybody over the past few decades.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were just playing anagrams for kicks, I will suggest that although you might not be a bigot, calling people a Nazi is not particularly amusing.
I’ve come up with a few…
**Rancid Latin Grazer
Cradle Tarring Nazi
Centralizing Radar
Direr Angelican Tzar
Dr. Grin: A Rectal Nazi
Adrenalin Grit Czar **
But my favorite? Crazed Ranting Liar
And on preview, calm down, DMark. He fully disclaimed his OP. In general, creating anagrams is a game. Insults created are not to be taken personally.
Hal “Sloth Brain” Briston
I am not calling every German a Nazi.
Ratzinger was a member of the Hitler Youth.
And what exactly does that prove? Membership in the Hitler Youth was mandatory. If he hadn’t become a member, he would never have had the chance to become pope, because he’d be dead.
Oops, factual error in my last post. There’s no evidence that the Nazis killed children who refused to join the HU. However, they were subject to jail time.
Another person chiming in to insult the OP. I don’t care what you say, I 'm gonna use Pope Ratzinger in my anagram.
Rare gent zip op
(Imagin it pronounced in a heavy german accent.)
Oh my gentle Jesus, people!! It’s a JOKE!!!
Ya know what’s funny…there is no anagram for the OP.
So what? Jokes can be offensive. Why is it okay to make offensive jokes about Germans, because they were the bad guys and they deserve it?
Would you still call it a simple joke if someone posted a similar anagram about, say, “Palestinian Leader Yassar Arafat”? Something like “Fat Dead Grand Sand-Nigger?”*
I am German-Lithuanian, and if you call my father or any of my family on his side a Nazi they’ll be as offended as if they were black and you had called them a nigger.
*Yes, I’m aware that it doesn’t work. It’s just an example.
Off to the Pit.
This one wins, hands down.
Apparently being german causes one to lose their sense of humor.
I’m german jewish FYI. I might not be funny, but at least I can laugh at something.
Now this thread being moved to the pit is less than funny. Shows how many dopers just can’t take a joke.
Well, I admit that my post was a little bit of an overreaction. I was pissed off for other reasons when I posted it, and if I could delete it, I would.
That said, I don’t think the “It’s a joke, therefore you’ve got a stick up your ass if it offends you” argument holds water.
Because the joke really has nothing to do with the fact that Cardinal Ratzinger is German. The letters in his name make a funny combination of words…joke over. It would be funny even if Ratzinger wasn’t German. If someone rearranged the letters in a name to spell “nigger”, it might be a little upsetting to me, but not bigoted per se. I think this whole stink is a perfect example of political correctness gone wrong. I say this as one who took German for five years and loved it, spent time in Germany as an exchange student, and made many wonderful German friends who I would never dream of calling any such awful names. I have always had a great respect for Germany and her people, and this is a joke and nothing more.
Never said that and never would as jokes make for lousy suppositories. I recommend a deep breath and a roll of ones eyes. Now we’ve wound up with a truly mundane and pointless op that has been bumped to the pit.
My post was in response to Absolute, in case confusion occurs.
Debit C. Vixen ?
Well, I probably would’ve considered it a simple joke, had the OP not responded with this:
It sounds like he actually believes ‘Nazi’ is an accurate characterization. Had he replied with “I’m not calling every German a Nazi, it’s just a joke, lighten up!”, I wouldn’t be whining about it.
Absolute. A Blue Sot.