Remember Arkanoid? It just got harder.

Your boss will thank me.

Of course, the directions are in French, which makes it so much more challenging…

If you haven’t figured it out within 5 seconds of starting the game, knowing French probably wouldn’t have helped.

If you click the UK flag in the bottom left corner, it gives English instructions.

I’m enjoying it in French. :slight_smile: I just got this message after finally breaking the 10 seconds barrier:

C’est exactement le temps qu’a fait Paris Hilton, bravo!

The sarcasm, it burns!

Jesus! Thanks a lot - now I’m addicted.

So how are you doing? My record stands at 25.487 seconds.

Best I can manage is about 21 seconds, after a few minutes of practice, but no doubt I could get that way up if I surrendered all my free time to it.

“Almost as smart as a poodle,” ten times more boring than one, and what seems to be lousy physics to boot. Blah.

Well I got to 30 seconds easily enough. It helps if you concentrate on balancing the ball and just monitor the other ball out of the corner of your eye.

I got up to 23 or 24 seconds. My SO made it to 28, though. Bleh.

This got passed around on Friday in the company e-mail. My best was 33 seconds. Very clever little game.

Good, now I can find out how and why I’m compared to Paris Hilton.

But seriously, if you back up the URL, he has a lot of good games on that site.