Remember, remember! The rants of November, The Election treason and plot. (minirants)

My gf (not a personal trainer, but she could be one) weighs herself every day. She does it because “it’s easier to drop a pound than it is to lose five”.

I took a pregnancy test this morning. I wasn’t going to but something just made me do it. It was positive. This is good news.

But I am freaking out inside. What if this ends in miscarriage like the last time? What if it’s a false positive? What if I’m crazy? It all goes on and on. Why can’t I just be a normal person?

You ARE a normal person. These are normal thoughts and worries.

I agree with Euphonious_Polemic, you are a normal person. To paraphrase Norm from Cheers, there’s a support group for that: it’s called everybody and it meets at the SDMB.

You may have hit the nail on the head. Couple of hours ago, I had the sliding door open to let one of the cats on the balcony and that same “skunk” odor came wafting in later, only this time a burning smell accompanied it.

I third that you’re a normal person, slalexan. I felt the exact same way getting pregnant with both my kids. I was afraid that if anyone congratulated me, something would happen. If I got too excited, something would happen. Or I was just nuts. You’re not nuts - you’re normal.

I’m happy for you, too. I won’t tell you to try to relax, but definitely take some time to breathe slowly and deeply.

Sending healthy sticky thoughts your way. :slight_smile:

Joining with the crowd, slalexan, you’re normal. Breathe.

My little gripe: I’ve received six spam texts to support republican candidates today. This is on top of the anywhere from one to three spam texts for the past two weeks. Today I probably messed up by responding “Fuck the fuck off, you moronic asshats”; however, I’d get autoresponses confirming my request to not receive more texts.

In my snail mail today were 12 political ads.

Somehow, my work email address (clearly a government addy) got on Jaime Harrison’s mailing list and I’ve been receiving two to five emails per day pleading for money. Wrong state, dude.

Between that and alllll the ads, I’m actually looking forward to the “In these difficult times” Xmas ads in the mail and on TV.

My parents have been getting political ads for candidates in Kansas addressed to me. This is confusing considering I haven’t lived with my parents in 10 years, I haven’t lived in Kansas during that time and I definitely have never lived at their current address… in Indiana. I weep for all the trees wasted on political mailers.

Thanks for the well wishes. I am trying to not stress out but, unfortunately, I am really good at stressing over things I can’t control. I’m trying to distract myself with work and, hopefully, it will be my second trimester before I know it.

I got a couple of political spam texts addressed to … my ex-boyfriend by name. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Gotta wonder how that data got crossed.

Came here to bitch because I got a cheapie drive-thru breakfast sammich

Whoops!! Sorry, cat bumped my elbow. What I was GONNA say was …

I got a couple of political spam texts addressed to … my ex-boyfriend by name. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Gotta wonder how that data got crossed.

Came here to bitch because I got a cheapie drive-thru breakfast sammich, and - because a co-worker showed up with a cold yesterday - some orange juice. Not even fancy fresh squeezed; this is somewhat shitty “from concentrate” stuff.

My GOD food seems extra expensive when you’re broke!

Don’t blame my co-worker; we work retail and get no paid time off, sick or otherwise.

Hours got cut, too, so folks are dragging themselves in while breathtakingly hungover, or mid-panic attack, or otherwise not in great shape.
It’s a credit to our team - and a huge reason I’m still there - that the other budtenders (mostly) rally support for each other.

But something has to change, soon, to improve my income. Dammit, just give me my 4th day back!

I got political texts from Virginia calling me by my daughter’s name. She lived in Virginia 6 years ago, but she and I have no idea how her name and my cellphone number became paired.

Somehow I got on a Republican list for texts, emails, and snail mail. Don’t know how that happens.

Truly, the only thing I can think of is: I’m white, I’m 51, and I live in a suburb.
My daughter was receiving tons of spam calls and texts from the Dems. She’s white, 26, lives in a small town/college town.
Historically, where I live has always been blue. We’re all middle to less than middle class, lots of either very old people or people just starting out. Where she lives has always been historically red, with the year arounders way outvoting the college kids.

Here’s a mini anti-rant, a sort of needed antidote for what else is going on. The suspenseful story of neighbors banding together to rescue a parakeet.

Wow JFC the salt cave over trump losing is real… I just heard a 20-minute rant on how Biden will be worse than 30s Germany and Kim’s N Korea and Stalin’s Russia all at the same time …

Just now I realized I missed Guy Fawkes Day.

I thought today was Guy Fawkes Day…

“But I’m trying!!!” I fucking hate hearing this, from my kids especially.

Me: “Hey, I see here you didn’t turn this homework in on time. What’s going on? It’s the second day of class and you have an F already. How does that happen?”

Kid: “But mom, I’m TRYING!”

Me: “Is the work too hard? Do you need help?”

Kid: “No, I don’t. I understand it. It’s actually pretty easy.”

What I WANT to say is, “Then what the fuck is the problem? What the hell were you doing instead of completing and turning in your homework? If it’s so damn easy, just suck it up, buttercup, and submit this shit.” What I actually say is, “This is your grade and not mine. If you want a decent grade, you’d better get on it. Let me know if you need help.”

I seriously hate this shit.

I went through this when I went through my pregnancy with Spice Kit after a miscarriage. I was a freaking wreck for at least the first three months. I thought I had grieved the loss of the first baby and then BAM! I was suddenly a grieving, anxiety stricken hormonal mess.

What helped was letting go of the expectations of what pregnancy should be like. You’re allowed to be more anxious than excited. You’re allowed to cry (and don’t get me started on the, “Don’t stress, it’s bad for the baby,” bullshit.) You’re allowed to be angry and miserable and scared. And maybe with time you’ll find some space for joy and excitement as well. I found it got easier after I passed the gestational age at which I miscarried. I’m wishing you the very best as you go through this process.

I don’t know where else to put this rant because I worry that sentiments like this cause damage to society, but I am so angry at Trump supporters. I used to be a pretty idealistic person, known for my ability to reach across the aisle and genuinely try to understand where others are coming from. In the last four years, I have become someone I barely recognize. Recently I just realized there’s no reasoning with these people and I have given up. I’ve given up on unity and mutual understanding. I want Trump to suffer for the rest of his life and I want Trump supporters to lose power and fuck off forever. And I don’t care how they feel. That’s the thing that bothers me the most. I truly do not give a shit how they feel or what they think. Their calls for civility are both hysterically funny and infuriating. I fantasize about screaming at them (particularly relatives) all day long. And when people start up their bullshit about “hate in your heart for Trump” I want to put a metaphorical pile driver through their metaphorical skulls. I don’t believe they deserve empathy, or respect, or decency. I remain civil with them because that is who I am, but underneath that veneer of civility is a deep loathing. I am barely hanging on to a sense of loyalty and compassion for my Trump - supporting relatives. It’s like I love them and hate them at the same time.

I wonder if I need to do some reckoning with myself and try to be that person I once was, because I did like that person. But I also wonder if it’s good to have lines you draw in the sand. Anger, after all, shows you what you value.

I just had to get that off my chest.