Remote-control people

NTT (Japan’s equivalent to pre-breakup AT&T) researchers have developed a device that sends electric pulses through the headset-wearing subject’s inner ears, disrupting their balance and causing to move in the direction that the controller sends them. At least the author od the article was as creeped out about this as I was.

link: Japan developing remote control for humans

Great. i-pod people. Thing is, I can already picture Apple’s ad campaign for something like this.

Any thoughts? Dire predictions? Sarcastic remarks?

Wow. A device that can make people dance as badly as I do.

True. It would probably help in my case.

This isn’t just a bad idea. It’s a Bad Idea.

What alarms me is that it just might catch on.

This reminds me, Sublight - are you coming to the nomihodai party at 08:30 on Friday? How about if I push this button?

Yeah, I just can’t think of this as a good thing. I sure as heck wouldn’t want it for games. Freaky.