OK, having just warned one person that having to ask about “will this work…” usually means that, in your instance, it will not…
Will this work?:
I have a 30-year old monster Kohler cast iron, triple basin drop-in sink embedded in the tile counter.
The sink should go, but will have to wait - but the faucet is a major problem.
To avoid argument, let’s take my word for it - there isn’t a basin wrench made which can get at this - the installers just dugout enough of the cabinet AND FRAMING for the sink and faucet assembly to seat 0 there is a slot about 2 1/2" wide in which ot reach up.
Can my angle grinder cut off the faucet from the top? just start slicing horizontally until I get to the mounting studs. then grind the rest down to 0" thickness?
Getting to the supply lines is easy - it is the underside of the sink deck that is near impossible.
And yes, I do realize that replacing the faucet set will require getting into the same area, but I might be able to use a drill and cut out more of the wood (or, once the metal is out of the way, a saber saw or recip might be feasible from below.