Rename the Washington Redskins (version 3)

The Washington Natives. Or does that bring up Gangs of New York comparisons?

Personally, I like the Washington Dukes, in honor of Duke Ellington.

The Washington Georges

Or to really confuse people:
The Washington States

I’m sure they’ll just change it to the “District of Columbia Redskins” and feign ignorance at why that doesn’t work.

Didn’t SNL do a skit where they followed the team through the decades in the future, and the name just became more and more offensive?

The Washington Pizza, Sex, and Beer. Because everybody likes at least one of those things.

The Washington Honkeys. Keep the colors the same. The helmet logo will be a profile of a guy with white skin and yellow hair, on a red background. He should be wearing a Jughead-style whoopie cap.

On the first game under the new name, the starting lineup should consist entirely of African-American players.

I’m probably a Neanderthal on this point, but I wouldn’t totally give into some of this criticism. Arrows, hatchets, arrowheads, feathers…those are just images of war and hunting. Native peoples can’t claim it all. Yes we know the origins, and with the Redskins history it’s more than a little charged, but I’d walk the middle road a bit here. Keep some of the iconography to cater to the current fanbase, change the name, dump the Indian head, and if the protesters don’t let up tell them to pound sand.

I’m not sympathetic to any claims that the Chiefs or Braves need to change their names either. So I’m probably the bad guy here, but at some point we need to meet in the middle.

Atlanta is easy, they already have a nickname for the Braves that works - the Bravos.

Why do we have to go by your definition of middle? And what’s the definition of middle when we’re talking about abject racism?

Well, if it weren’t for being in the goshdang center of the continent you could try keeping keep the Chiefs name and replace the logo with a fouled anchor insignia. Or a maybe a picture of Maxwell Smart’s boss?

Arrowheads and tomahawks are racist?

I guess we don’t need words anymore.

When used as generic props by dead-eyed suburbanites to give their drab lives meaning, yes they are racist.

No bigotry in that comment at all.

The Washington CTE. A team that turns the players’ brains to mush when they play, and turns the fans’ brains to mush when they watch.

There’s nothing inherently negative about a big bag of money, but I’m not sure it would be a giant step forward in race relations if the Washington Jews changed their logo to a big bag of money.

Swamp Things. How more Washington D.C. can you get?

The Washington Lobbyists

Same thing.

If they simultaneously changed their name to the “Bankers” or the “Mints” it sure as shit would. And if the Jews still protested I’d tell them to pound sand too. There are boundaries where the righteous indignation morphs into bullshit virtue signaling.

Since it was a malarial swamp, how about the Skeeters? They’re the most dangerous creatures on earth, after all.