Repairing a laptop battery? Possible?

After 3 Battery packs bit the dust even when following the manu. instructions on conditioning to the letter, I was wondereing if i could open the pack and replace the bad cells.

Can I?


Yes… but you need to make sure the batteries are absolutely identical in charging specs to the originals. Even if some rechargeables look the same and have identical voltages they can be formulated differently, or have different amperage and charging characteristics. Sticking incorrect batteries in series in a pack can have potentially hazardous (fire, explosion etc) consequences.

I have done this and there are even places which will do it for you. Check out

I have success with cleaning the battery contacts with an emery board. Then recharge. You might not want to sand them down though.

If they are lithium cells then you can pretty much forget it. Lithium cells are generally only sold as complete battery packs with the cotrol circuitry included. Individual cells are damned hard to come by.
Nickel-metalhydride cells can be replaced, just make sure to get cells with about the same capacity. The same goes for Nickel-Cadmium cells, although they are not so commonly used in battery packs anymore.
If you would like to try cleaning the contacts as handy suggested, then DO NOT use an emery board. Use an eraser, the kind intended for erasing ink is best. It will clean without scratching, and isn’t as likely to damage any plating the contacts may have.

“plating the contacts may have.”

At that stage, I didn’t think that it would matter too much :slight_smile:

try for cheap battery…

Handy, it may not matter in this case if the battery is really dead, but someone else may read this and ruin the contacts on an otherwise OK battery pack.