I got a lovely thin pressed brass pendant/medal off of ebay and it has a mild bend it got from shipping, I assume (definitely didn’t have one in pictures and I trust this seller). I didn’t pay for insurance. :smack:
What is the professional label for someone who is an expert at repairing and cleaning such an item? Would your average jeweler know how? Could I even do it myself? I very much do not want to damage it.
Note that you do not need to have paid for insurance. Insurance protects the seller not you. If you wish to return it for a full refund, the seller should agree, otherwise you can file a Significantly Not As Described complaint, then you can dispute the payment through Paypal, who will refund the entirety of your $ sent.
9 times out of ten, shipping damage is caused by improper packing.
To answer your question, any *real *jeweler can do what you need.
Thank you. I definitely want to keep it (I doubt I’ll ever come across another one).
And thank you also for the insurance information. I had no idea - sellers always (in my experience) make it sound as though they have no liability at all once the item is in the mail.
No, except in a few very very rare cases where something is shipped Freight (and if then the buyer picks the Freight carrier) the seller is 100% responsible for getting the goods to the buyer. OTOH, the buyer is 100% responsible for getting payment to the seller.