Repetitive Redundancy

%APR: percentage Annual Percentage Rate
A.M. in the morning: Ante Meridiem in the morning (lit. before noon in the morning)
ABM missile: Antiballistic Missile missile
ABS system: Antilock Braking System system
AC current: Alternating Current current
ACT test: American College Test test
ADSL line: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line line
APL programing language: A Programming Language programming language
BASIC code: Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code code
CAD design: Computer-Aided Design design
CNN news network: Cable News Network news network
DC current: Direct Current current
DMZ zone: Demilitarized Zone zone
DOS operating system: Disk Operating System operating system
GMT time: Greenwich Mean Time time
GOP party: Grand Old Party party
GRE exam: Graduate Record Examination examination
HIV virus: Human Immunodeficiency Virus virus
HTML language: Hypertext Markup Language language
ISBN number: International Standard Book Number number
ISDN network: Integrated Services Digital Network network
LAN network: Local Area Network network
LCD display: Liquid Crystal Display display
LED diode: Light Emitting Diode diode
NATO organization: North Atlantic Treaty Organization organization
PC Computer: Personal Computer computer
Please RSVP: please Répondez S’il Vous Plaît (lit. please reply please)
RAM memory: Random-Access Memory memory
SAT test: Scholastic Assessment (or Aptitude) Test test
SCSI interface: Small Computer System Interface interface
UPC code: Universal Product Code code
VIN number: Vehicle Identification Number number

Of course, you do realise that Mrs Wheelz is keeping a mental count of these atrocities, and when that number reaches the proverbial camel-back-breaking straw, you will pay. In full. With your life, if you are lucky.

When I lived in San Luis Obispo we spent many a fine afternoon at Laguna Lake.


It will happen sooner rather than later, I fear.

There’s another supply of similar tautological place names at the link.

VIN number

vehicle identification number

The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.

In Linux/Unix there is the BASH shell.
BASH = Bourne-Again Shell (a pun on the earlier Bourne shell )

ETA: These are all examples of RAS syndrome (Redundant Acronym Syndrome syndrome)

Performance Optimization with Enhanced RISC Personal Computer
and breaking down the RISC acronym we get;
Performance Optimization with Enhanced Reduced Instruction Set Computing Personal Computer

That one they might have been poking fun at all the intentionally recursive acronyms floating around in IT land.

GNU - GNU is Not Unix
PHP - PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
Wine - Wine Is Not an Emulator.

There’s also a Table Mesa area in Boulder, CO.

[QUOTE=ArchiveGuy;11065408ABM missile: Antiballistic Missile missile

As loathe as i am to defend GovSpeak, this one should not count. It is a missle designed to shoot down a Ballistic Missile. So while it uses missile twice the terms are not refering to the same missile.

There’s a local restaurant called the Triple XXX – pronounced “Triple X”, even though a triple XXX is actually a nonuple X.

Department of Redundancy Department.

Local sandwich shop here used to serve - may still serve - soup du jour of the day.


I got to visit Palo Alto last year as part of my job. The hotel in which I was staying was on El Camino Real, which I believe means “The Royal Way.” Then I was completely :confused: when I saw a cross-street called El Camino Way. Wouldn’t that be “The Way Way”?

Repetitive Redundancy, again? :dubious:

“Repetitive Redundancy, again?”

tsk tsk. Tautological pleonasm.

A repetitively reduntant tautological pleonasm.