So I finally got my mom into Dr. Who and with season 4 drawing to an end in a couple of weeks on BBC America, I’m wondering if they will start playing reruns of seasons 1-3. I looked on their website to see if I could find any indication of that but couldn’t. Anyone know or have a guess? I’d love for her to see the other three seasons, especially as sort of reassurance that the soon to be transition between actors for the Doctor has worked well in the past.
Can’t help you with re-runs, but all four series are out on DVD now (with the exception of the 2008 Christmas special). So you could buy/rent/Netflix them instead of digging around for re-runs. Might be easier.
The SciFi channel irregularly runs Doctor Who marathons. Not sure if the actual link will work for you but the next one will be from 7a-3p CST on 2 Feb.
BBC America replayed the previous seasons right before they started with season 4, so I doubt they’d start them again so soon. Your best option would probably be to rent the box sets (or buy them - they’re about $50 on Amazon.) Plus then you can watch them all in a row.