Replot a work of fiction based entirely on the title

For giggles, let’s replot a show/movie/book based on what the title also suggests to you. You can “reuse” characters or not as it suits you, and feel free to make the new plot switch genres etc.

Baby Daddy
actual plot: sitcom about a twenty-something who discovers he has a daughter a year after a one night stand when the mom abandons their three-month-old baby on his doorstep. Wackiness ensues as he muddles through with the help of his brother, their mom, and two friends.

new plot: a hard-working professional in her 30s has had no luck at love, and decides that she’s going to have a baby with or without a husband, so she turns to a sperm bank to achieve her goal of motherhood. Just after the birth of her beautiful baby she learns that there was a horrible mix up at the clinic: instead of using the donor she carefully picked out, they accidentally used sperm banked for a then 12-year-old pediatric oncology patient. Now 13, the boy is miraculously healthy again, but when he and his parents are also made aware of the mix up, they want to be a part of his child’s life, which complicates hers.


With great power comes great responsibility, as young Peter Parker learns upon getting bitten by a radioactive Cinderella.

Blade Runner
Actual cop: A retired cop must pursue and try to terminate four replicants who stole a ship in space and have returned to Earth to find their creator.

New plot: In a post-apocalyptic world, a swordsmith’s assistant needs to get a shipment of swords through a Badlands populated by motorcycle-riding nihilists.

It may seem silly to devote an entire trilogy (and several later works) to the concrete underpinnings of a building, but Isaac Asimov pulls it off. The original Foundation trilogy is covers the period from initial pouring through final waterproofing, and is a stand-alone work, but big fans may wish to read “Prelude to Foundation” (about clearing the property in accordance with the architect’s original design (the “Seldon Plan”)) and “Forward the Foundation” (in which the plans need to be adjusted due to a property line error).

The Stand
Actual plot: After a deadly plague kills most of the world’s population, the remaining survivors split into two groups - one lead by a benevolent elder and the other by a maleficent being - to face each other in a final battle between good and evil.

New plot: 1100 pages on the horrors of a child selling lemonade on the sidewalk in front of his house. Gripping.

Hamlet: A piglet tries to escape the slaughterhouse before he is turned into pig veal. See the original to find out how well it works.

Rainbow’s End

The Grapes of Wrath
Actual plot: A family of poor tenant farmers leave dust-bowl-ridden Oklahoma for California, hoping it’s the promised land, only to end up being poor itinerant fruit pickers.

New plot: a vicious wine cartel is overthrown by its oppressed workers, who turn out to be just as corrupt as their former overlords. A cautionary tale of the dangers of power. And booze.

What? No, by the angry grapes.

That’s just the weaponry.

To Kill a Mockingbird
Actual plot: Bigotry and integrity collide in Depression-era Alabama.

New plot: A dedicated small-game hunter stalks a Mimus polyglottos with murder on his mind.

Some upcoming movies for 2015 of which I know nothing but the title:

The Wedding Ringer - In this sequel to “The Wedding Crashers”, Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn see their burgeoning business as wedding planners threatened when old rival Bradley Cooper starts copying all of their designs.

The Vatican Tapes - Tom Hanks returns as professor Langdon to unveil a sinister papal conspiracy about… child abuse, I guess.

Merchants of Doubt - Political spin doctors from both sides of the aisle Mark Ruffalo and Keri Russell mercilessly attack each other’s candidates during an election only to fall in love.

Furious 7 - In this new instalment of the Fast and the Furious franchise… wait, no, that’s actually probably exactly what this is. Nevermind.

Monster Trucks - In this new Disney cgi animated movie, they do pretty much the plot from Cars but with Giant trucks.

Entourage - Finally the long awaited silver screen version of the classic TV show! Chris Pratt as Vince Chase! Jim Carrey as Johnny Drama! Seth Rogen as turtle! Sir Ian McKellen as E!

Jaws: The heartbreaking story of a tetanus victim and the doctor who fell in love with her.

The Green Mile: A parkway boulevard is renowned for its beautiful grass and trees.

The Shining: Documentary about the illegal use of lights for night poaching.

Full Metal Jacket: A body armor maker tries a new protective alloy.

The Shawshank Redemption: Mr. Shawshank accepts Jesus Christ as his savior.

Tin Men: The Wizard of Oz explores cloning.

The Catcher in the Rye

Original: Troubled youth Holden Caufield is a symbol of disillusioned teenagers everywhere. His attempts to find meaning in a meaningless world - from an upper crust preparatory school to a dingy New York hotel - highlight the hard truths of our world.

New: They said it couldn’t be done. That it was impossible - ridiculous - a dream best left forgotten. No matter what they say, Coach can’t forget his vision of a baseball game in an artisan bakery. But when the baguette batter starts striking out, the team gets worried. Can the butter-fingered catcher in the rye bread save the day?

The Fountainhead

Original: An individualistic young architect refuses to compromise his artistic and personal vision.

New: An individualistic young architect struggles to create a lasting visual impression at the Bellagio in Las Vegas.

The Sound of Music

Original: A young governess marries her boss and flees the Nazis.

New: Deaf composer Luwig von Beethoven struggles to write his 9th Symphony.

A Raisin in the Sun

Original: A struggling African-American family is torn between their old life and new opportunity.

New: A hard-hitting documentary about California’s grape industry.

Lord of the Flies

“Bzzz bzzz bzzzzzz bz.”

“HO HO! Good one! Now puke on my grape!”

A world weary private detective goes on a birdwatching expedition on an island in the Mediterranean Sea, in hope of photographing a Maltese falcon.

A jewelry salesman is tired of his job and seeks an adventure. He’s just bored of the rings.

In the early 1960s, a boy named Oliver invents a new dance, but gets ripped off by Chubby Checker.

Another Lord of the Flies: A tailor specializing in men’s trousers has dreams of glory. :smiley: