Lets say that the mad hacker goes postal and really does post more nude pics different places.
Lets say that there are more famous people involved than know it.
Surfing the web one day, you find that you are suddenly looking at one of these links & its to a famous person not on the list.
You immediately know a couple things:
You sure as hell didn’t hack Anybody.
You know that face; its them, its not a fake, and its Porn.
This person isn’t on the list & doesn’t know that this stuff is posted publicly.
You don’t want to hurt anyone or their career.
You sure as hell don’t want to be arrested or sued.
How the Hell do you let someone know who can yank the damn things down without drawing attention to them?
Is there a link where you can report this crap to the good people at the FBI?
Or are you stuck having to try to contact this mortified person’s agent or studio or network? (I’m guessing that that’s Morals Clause Suicide for them)
I’m guessing that you could say nothing… but that, like cancer, the longer this crap is out there, the more their career is damaged.
Assume that you don’t want any fame/infamy: You’re no hero; you’re not even an ‘almost hero’. But wrong is wrong… and that posted on the internet is Wrong.
You REALLY do want to do the right thing… (they’d never intentionally screw over your career)
So, who do you call/click/notify?
The question seems academic to me. If it’s a new leak of celebrity nudes, then if you’re seeing it, within a couple of seconds a thousand other people will have seen it, and in just a few shakes they’re everywhere. What would be the purpose of reporting it to anybody?
I’m nobody’s hero, but I’m not an ass either. Somebody has to tell people when they see this crap. Its like reporting a car accident. you just have to… if there is a way to.
and no, there is no ‘Cite’.
So… do nothing? Lets assume its pretty horrible career-ending stuff… like someones first time or a wedding night thing. Wouldn’t they want to be ahead of it? Wouldn’t their people want that?
If its stolen & caught early enough, wouldn’t it be easier to find who did it?
Really people, and I just want to be clear on this: Do Nothing and Tell No One??? Really?
No one is going to post pictures like this in a place where you can find them unless it’s already too late to do anything. Everyone will know soon enough.
If the pictures are “career-ending”, maybe you could do more good convincing people that such pictures should not affect anyone’s careers. I don’t see how documentation that an adult once had sex for the first time, or on their wedding night, should be particularly damaging to their career unless enough people think it is.
I think that unless the subject matter was either pedophilia or bestiality, the shelf life of the “scandal” would be pretty short. And for every nude actress there are dozens of softcore porn models with better bodies to ogle.
If you want to let the person know, google who her talent agent is. Contact the office, let them know the basics, and ask to speak with her agent. He or she will pretty quickly be able to ferret out whether you’re a psycho stalker or you have some legitimate interest in protecting the starlet’s career, and take it from there.