Request for recipe!

Because of the older threads being pruned, I can’t find a recipe that was in a thread a month or two ago.
I was wanting to make that particular recipe tonight, and I forget how to make it! So if anyone remembers the ingredients and method to a recipe about potato soup which was in a thread [I *think*] called Easy-Peasy Recipes [or something similar to that] please post here!

Am I making sense or is it just me? Anyhoo, if anyone has any idea what I’m talking about, please post the recipe for me. Thanks!

Not this one, is it BD? Ukulele Ike’s post about six posts down.

Yay! That’s the one I was looking for. Thanks a bunch!

I guess this thread can be deleted now, or something. Unless people want to make it into a potato soup recipe thread. I’m willing to go for that.

Lookin’ for some oral sex tonight Broken Doll?


Oh wait, now I get it. Duh.