Request to all international soccer fans: STOP THAT FUCKING BUZZING!

Which makes you wonder why American women swoon over us all the time.

Yeah, it’s rubbish! I hate games where scoring actually means something!

Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but if you’re just one minor technological mishap away from becoming a full-blown cockhound, doesn’t that kind of imply you’ve already developed a taste for it? Embrace your identity, man. Those closet doors only open from the inside. :stuck_out_tongue:

Generously agreed? That’s in interesting way of saying “spent a load of cash wooing FIFA so they could get it”.

Yes. Yes it is.:smiley:

Well, the last one was stolen from them by Germany.

It’s the accent–doesn’t matter which accent. For sure it’s not the dentistry or the tan or the height or the fashion “sense” or…*

*It’s a joke, mate. :slight_smile:

OK, hundreds.

I am still laughing.

My husband watches World Cup soccer. I hate it with a passion. The buzzing only makes it worse. I never wanted to know what 100,000 amplified kazoos sounded like.

I take it that, in soccer, there’s no radio broadcast that doesn’t have the crowd in it, right? Because then I’d watch the game with the audio on mute, and use the radio announcers.

Or is it so loud that wouldn’t even work? I don’t have TV anymore.

As an American, I don’t mind the buzzing at all. It just makes the whole spectacle more exotic.

A bunch of people playing some bizarre, mysterious sport under a cloud of inexplicable buzzing. Cool.

Excellent! My American friends are always bemused by the lack of score! One - Nil - is that it? :smiley:

If you can hear the buzz, you are doing it wrong. Football is not something you do by yourself. Get your lazy ass out of the house and go to a bar- preferably one with international customers who are excited as hell about the World Cup. Order a drink and enjoy the excitement and buzz around you. It’s okay to goof off during the routine parts- the shouts will let you know when you need to be looking at the screen. If you’re attracted to men, enjoy the hot, hot, hot men on the screen. Have fun with the improbably national matchings and the rivalries.

I love the World Cup, and I love that it’s in Africa!

Also I’ve been doing the South Africa goal scoring dance all day!

Only the ones who have visited here and discovered deodorant.

and shit. . .

I play a real sport. But I do like the english soccer ball.


The answer can be found in this thread.


My wife and I actually planned to watch the match today (UK vs. US), something we’ve never done before in our lives in re: to soccer/football.

After 10 minutes we turned it off. It was just too irritating. Now she thinks all soccer matches are like that.

If this is what South Africa has to offer football culture, that’s pretty pathetic.

It’s not. It might be worse.

Nothing is as obnoxious as those horns.

Not all culture is equal. If the crowd was giving us traditional African music or somesuch, that I’d respect. Cheap plastic horns? Not so much. South Africa should be embarrassed that they’re passing this off as culture.

So there’s this site, called Reddit, sort of a clearing house for net weirdness, some of it pretty cool, some of it Beavis, you know the drill. Also a very prominent contingent of snotty techno-geeks, arguing with great passion over subjects that have nothing to do with politics, God, or fucking.

Anyway, somebody starts a thread about how would you fix it so you don’t hear the buzzing from your TV. First answer: “I would use a shotgun.”

Soul brother.

I didn’t think I’d be the only one, but it appears I might be.

I love the buzzing. Seriously. I turn it up until I can feel it. It adds something to the event that other sports don’t have. It’s like that drone that happens during a scary movie when someone is about to jump out from the shadows and cut someone else… it builds suspense. And since nothing ever actually happens in soccer, I at least need the illusion that the game is suspenseful.

Really. I can’t get enough of it.