
Uh <Penis Ensues> ?

<welcoming our new moist overlords>

<complains about how hamsters ate previous post>

<proceeds to address minor nitpick with several paragraphs>

<Reiterates it’s “meat cannon ensues”.>

<giggle - tadpole yoghurt>

<bumps thread>

<Arrival of Grammar Nazi on speling erors.>

<Moderator Warning over bestiality link disguised as Jehovah Witness Link.>

< Obligatory Monty Python Reference>

<Pulls a couple of word fragments from above and quotes them so that it appears that Winston Smith agreed with prior rant.>

<Makes a few followup comments on how wonderful above poster is for seeing the light and in short totally agreeing based on words seemingly chosen at random from the response.>

<grumblings about how the Mods like to close these pleasant diversionary threads>
<expressions of hope that they keep their paws off this one>

<mentions that other thread that fell victim>

<complicated argument demonstrating why everything that’s wrong with this thread is the fault of “President” Bush>

<link to pictures of kittens >


<posts another request for a puking smiley>

<band name!>

<challenge WinstonSmith to take it to the Pit!>

<and FisherQueen, too!>

<and everyone else, for that matter!!!>

<Comment that is looks longer in the quick reply box than it actually is.>

<Something about Vikings/Barbarian horde(s) pillaging/destroying>

<Questions existence of so-called PuppyGod>

<demands for pics of PuppyGod>

Unlike other religions, ours is not faith based. Here’s a pic of the puppygod:

