Let me state first that this is a rhetorical exercise. I ran this by the mods in ATMB and my take from their replies was that such arguments are OK as long as you state your intent beforehand. I’m going to try and make the best argument I can for terrorism. Please improve or demolish my arguments at will. I am certain that they can be improved as I am hopeful they can be demolished.
What is a concerned and serious young Muslim in the West to do to aid his family or co-religionists in places like Syria, Iraq, Yemen and especially Palestine? Every day he hears from people in the region of the murders and atrocities they are subject to from the massive powers arrayed against them: the US, the UK, France, Russia, Iran, the Iraqis, the brutal forces of Assad, the Israelis and the Saudi Arabians. The overwhelming odds against them makes the position of Islamic State and Hamas seem quite hopeless. And the young Muslim will know that the Daesh warriors and Hamas freedom fighters have been forced to take up arms and defend themselves from the terrible oppression they suffered from the Shia in Iraq and the Israelis in Palestine.
Perhaps our young Muslim friend will have tried to travel to the areas concerned to aid his brothers in their life-or-death struggle. Some of his brave friends may have been killed or terribly wounded in a similar attempt. Let us posit that he has been unsuccessful in his efforts to fight the oppressors in the Middle East. His only recourse if he remains in the US or Europe is to strike a blow for liberty in those countries. What other option does he have? He will not allow himself to do nothing, to leave his relatives or fellow Muslims abroad to suffer and die as the world sheds crocodile tears, utters meaningless condemnations, does absolutely nothing or enthusiastically aids in the slaughter.
Should he engage in politics, work to persuade his fellow Americans or whatever of the injustice of their position? To persuade them that Israel must be curbed in its aggression, must stop occupying Palestinian lands? To plead with them to help in the overthrow of the tyrannical Assad? To pressure the Iraqi government to accept Sunnis and the Saudis to accept Houthis as fellow-Muslims and people like themselves simply trying to live their lives free from persecution?
Our young Muslim is not a fool. He knows full well the futility of such advocacy. Nothing that he can say, even if he were backed by every Muslim in the country, will have the slightest effect on the course of the great powers. They will continue to kill, to torture, to mutilate his fellows abroad. Nothing will deflect them or even command any attention at all. Except perhaps …
And here our friend may pause and deliberate for a long time. He is not a violent man, he detests killing, he has no desire to act in the same fashion as the murderous powers of the West. And yet what else is there? He needs to attract the attention of the powers that be, he needs to force them to listen, to show them to what desperate measures they are driving him and others like him. They may not change their policies and in fact are very unlikely to change them but in the name of Allah they will not be able to ignore him. If innocent people suffer or die, even children, then be it so. Men, women and children are dying horrible deaths every day at the hands of the West and their allies. If he should balance the scale a little then he has achieved something and if he should die in the act he will proudly stand before God and justify himself and he firmly believes that God will approve. How could he not approve actions that defend his worshippers and glorify his name?
He has come to his decision. He declares himself on his Facebook page, bids a final farewell to his family and friends, packs the explosive device firmly in his backpack, checks that his weapons are fully loaded, gets into his car and drives off for his appointment with Destiny. The more people he kills, the more horrific the mutilations, the more the world will be unable to ignore his cause. As we sadly watch him drive away who can say he is wrong?