Retroactively bad Simpsons Episode

Inspired by this thread Millionth+1 Word - Miscellaneous and Personal Stuff I Must Share - Straight Dope Message Board, I am reminded that one of the funniest Simpsons episodes that I remember is the one where Lisa starts making up words, such as cromulent and embiggens, to impress people. This, is, of course, a funny and recent Simpsons episode. Now assuming that there will be in excess of 25,000 web references to these two hilarious non-words, they will, by the standard adopted by the web site that monitors this stuff, real words and come into the language. Suddenly, or over time, this episode will make no sense to people watching it because Lisa will not be making up words.

I say that this is one of the seven signs of the apocalypse. What say you?

Lisa didn’t invent those words. They were unique to Springfield and used by the townsfolk in reference to the legend of the town founder, Jebediah Springfield. And the episode is only recent if “recent” means “within the last 20 years” - it was first aired seventeen and a half years ago. Google finds 57,600 and 67,400 hits for embiggen and cromulent, respectively.

Jebediah Springfield [on film]: A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.
Edna Crabapple: Embiggens? I never heard that word before I moved to Springfield
Ms.Hoover: I don’t know why. It’s a perfectly cromulent word.
– from Lisa the Iconoclast, Season 3 Episode 13

Yeah, what Cazzle said. People do use those words, usually to be funny or to reference the Simpsons.

I thought the Simpsons ended with Season 4. Yea, that’s it.

By the lords of cobal you may be onto something :slight_smile:

What the smeg?

It would be a big frakking mistake to get involved with that frell.

Shazbot, my jokes have been stolen.


The production code was 3F13 but it was actually the sixteenth episode of the seventh season and first broadcast in 1996, just over 13 years ago.

Uh-oh! SpaghettiOs!

So say we all (at one time or another).

“Oh, I’m sorry sir. I’m inuspeptic, frasmotic, even compunctious to have caused you such pericumbobulations.”

This thread is giving me skin failure.

*Frelling * skin failure.

Ooooooo, floor pie!

I thought it was a perfectly cromulent episode.


…he chortled in his joy.

I bent my Wookie.

If your skin was based on nanu nanu technology it wouldnt be ripping so bad.

Care for a sausage?

The Simpsons are hillarious. I better get my old tapes from the garage.
SDMB: Garage? Hey, fellas, the garage. Well ooh la-di-da Mr. Frenchman.
Me: Well, what do you call it?
SDMB: A car hole!