Using Google’s Image Search include a link to the most interesting picture you can find using the following search criteria…
Angry Telephone
Then add your own search criteria for the next poster to search for.
mouth breathing aardvark
“Mouth breathing aardvark” does not give an image!
“Mouth aardvark” though:
As a good rule, please put your next criteria after checking if you get at least a dozen or more hits.
giant leap
Giant Leap yields
chick jesus
Chcik Jesus- fitting for here:
(bigdaddy.jpg above is a picture of Mick Foley, former WWF star as Mankind, Dude Love, and Cactus Jack.)
magic flu shot
No results for magic flu shot. Magic shot, however, delivers this interesting result.
cheese factory
There was no magic flu shot, so I tried just flu shot.
drunken cow
Can’t link straight to the pic as it’s from a dynamic page, but here’s the link. Cute.
jurassic diva
corn explosion
Jurassic Diva. Not sure why.
Esperanto angel
One of only 2 pages for Esperanto angel.
Tight jeans.
Heh, FisherQueen, you picked the other of the only two images shown for Jurassic Diva.
Libyan Neo-Nazis? I don’t even want to know…
Please turn on “safe search” if you haven’t already. I should have checked first. Or better yet, ignore my post.
No hits for Libyan Neo-Nazis.
Dog slobber however…
Wha? Where’s the fun in that?
Tight jeans. This tight jeans picture is guaranteed work-safe.
Cranky flowers
for cranky flowers (only 2 results)
Glue Flag
One of “about 58” results for Glue Flag
Still unsearched: corn explosion
weird crap