"Rev" Jesse Lee Peterson needs pittin'. See why.

Dammit, I haven’t created my quota of evil today! Now I’m going to have to create at least twice as much evil tomorrow in order to keep up with the other sisters!

And you people think Uncle Ruckus on Boondocks is a made up character… I just enjoy the fact that to be a black man on Sean H’s show you have to put on the FULL minstrel regalia… sometimes I wonder how Juan W sleeps at night…
Bring on the Black Panthers for a bit of angry revolutionay negro… then Bring the right reverend Jesse P on for some advising… that you white people have been far too nice to these mongrels…
Jesus… and Juan W… has to sit with this… noted author… journalist… well checks cash on time…

Well, naturally. Given the exalted status of women in Islamic culture and their total dominance of the politics of the Middle East, it’s hardly surprising that Islam is such a byword for gay rights and liberal permissiveness.

Incidentally, why are none of you wearing goatees? Don’t you know you could get in trouble if the Terran Empire sees you like that?