Reverend Mykeru, you are such a fucking tool

Hey Rev, do you go to College Park?

If so, I think I know you :eek:

And I haven’t seen this sort of overreaction since Suspenderzzzzzz-say when-zzzzz was banned.

Uh, that was my point. All anyone has to do to is go to the website!

Please go back to I think you’ll fit in better there.

Oh yeah, my other point. It is possible that you’re hiding your email not because we’re “not special enough” but rather you’re posing as Reverend Mykeru for whatever reason. In which case, I suggest you go to hell.

we do not have ‘private messages’ available on this board.

we don’t have Private Messaging available here.

Mykeru, what is this hard-on you have for yesteryear’s tools of the psiatric community? Do you consider it an insult to say that someone ought to be put on meds by a psychiatrist?

Super Gnat

Uh, where’s that? I’m in the metro Washington DC area.

Jeff Olsen

Rather an inconsistent level a bemusement from someone who doubts that I am who I am and doubts I own my own website because I decided not to advertise my e-mail address on a forum I just joined.

And then shucks off attempts to prove otherwise, because being a prick is a lot more fun.

And who in fuck is Suspenders? Am I supposed to be his sock puppet or something? I swear, I have never been on a forum with this level of paranoia. You people really are bound to end up in the jungles of Guyana sipping Kool-Aid.

Um, dumb fuck. Let me explain: You doubt I own the web site, if I don’t how am I going to get an email from the address on that site?

Holy shit. I was just called a moron by a well, moron. Everything resets to zero. Life goes on.

Buggers the question of how, if I don’t own the site, I am going to get email sent to that site’s email address and then post my item for 20 February about how this poster “Jeff Olsen” is much less intelligent than a rhesus monkey who has spent all its developmental years being tested for the effects of black tar heroin on cognitive ability.

Hmmn, No private messages, can’t edit posts, dumb ass moderators and paranoid posters. This forum is getting to be like the time I was taking the train from Qifu to Beijing and came across my first Chinese toilet. On a moving train, no less.

Some things just tell you when you’re in the undeveloped world.


Uh, because thorazine is funnier than MAO inhibitors and SSRIs?

Nope. Being off meds is insulting enough. Some people here would benefit by being doped right up to the point of tardive dyskinetia.

Go ahead. Be offended.

You’re kidding, right?
I suppose that everyone who chooses not to list their e-mail addy must be a sock puppet in your tiny little world. What the fuck is your problem?
This is quite possibly the stupidest witch hunt I’ve ever seen, but I’m sure you’re all proud of youselves.




If we’re so “paranoid” and “undeveloped,” then why are you still here? I haven’t seen a single person begging for you to stay and “enlighten” us, so why don’t you just move on, if we are so far below your (obviously) vast intellectual skills?


Blisteringly original. Lots of strawman hyperbole. Essentially clueless. However “love it or leave it” is simpler and it fits on a bumpersticker and/or your hard hat.

Were you born this obnoxious and confrontational, or have you just decided to make it your life’s work?

Anyway, with my apologies to “Alias”, try this:

Write these letters down: E M E T I B

Now reverse them.

I’m thinking it’s the font, or possibly the colours. It’s such a nice interface. I’m not sure it would hold me if I despised the code, the mods and the posters, but hey, some people are different.

I’ve gotta agree with grendel, this has got to be the stupidest witch hunt I’ve ever seen.

Sorry folks, I, and those I love, have been dealt some shitty cards by life. The fact that someone might find it satisfying that some unmitigated piece of shit like Pat Robertson gets dealt one is no reason to take it personally. I have no problem with people who have made themselves my enemies suffering horribly. If their families suffer too, seriously, what can I do about that? I’m not going to dance on their graves or write gloating letters to their families.

This vituperation against the Rev. seems just a little over the top, m’kay?

So sayeth the dickcheese.

Fuck! Bitch, bitch, bitch! The good Rev. doesn’t submit to the attacks of the moral high ground so there’s a pile on as to what a piece of shit he is!

Funny thing, many of you folks, he’s playing you like a virtuoso and you are falling for it.

Note that I do not think he’s trolling. I see him giving as good as he gets and many of you are getting your panties in a bunch. The nerve of this guy!

This is wild - a pit thread inspired by something a newbie wrote in another pit thread, which was sparked by something in a third pit thread which, strangely enough, appeared in the fucking BBQ PIT. That’s the place (so they tell me) where you don’t have to be a model citizen or think through every little quantum fluctuation that your horrible words might cause, like mentioning a butterfly fluttering its wings causing North Korea to launch their nuclear arsenal against the poor noble savages of the south east Australian suburb of Far Kew (say it out loud).

The self righteousness here is sickening, and when you add it to the accusations of sock puppetry, trollery, web-site-owner-impersonation, etc, it really makes this feel like its giving s** a run for its money as the bastion of reactionary, paranoid stupidity. No, not the SDMB, which is a wonderful forum (or set of fora, or whatever) with 20,000 members - just a few idiots behind this rolling series of pile-ons.

And now (on preview), it looks like I’m part of the reverse-pile-on bandwagon. Whatever.

Yeah, the jungles of Guyana indeed. Stir the fucking Kool-Aid and pass it around. I’ll give it a miss though. I think this little self righteous snit of a pile on is uncalled for.

Yeah, the jungles of Guyana indeed. Stir the fucking Kool-Aid and pass it around. I’ll give it a miss though. I think this little self righteous snit of a pile on is uncalled for.

As a dedicated lurker who is often gladden by the caliber of discussion on this message board, I’m disheartened by this whole thread. It’s really sad that some posters find it necessary to accuse Reverend Mykeru of being a troll simply because he uses coding properly-especially when you consider that I got roundly chasitized for using it improperly on my very first post here. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t, I guess. Add to that the “Well nobody’s asking you to stick around-go away” comments and you’ve got a first rate pile on. You may not like his sentiments or his attitude but he is coherent. If he’s responded loudly-well, he’s been slammed rather viciously accross the board.Surely the SDMB can do better.

Accounts of my being “slammed” are greatly overrated. Nothing happening is unexpected. Online “communities” tend to reflect not only the technology but the sort of people that use them. Think of an IRC channel policed by eggdrop bots filled with people who are like-minded and so like-minded that they will kick/ban anyone not on exactly the same wave length. They can easily become cyber-totalitarian states. Think of usenet groups where people may or may not be like-minded, but there is no way to effectly ban someone, your “cancel poodle” notwithstanding.

Moderated forums can go either way. They can be completely open venues for the exchange of ideas or they can be little cult enclaves increasingly filled with yes-men. I’ve seen both types. It’s not only how the forum is administered (ie, are the mods dipshits who shouldn’t be given any power at all?) but the sort of cliques that arise on them.

For the most part I’m amused. I rarely take any of this to heart because the inane prattling of people who may well be adolescents, developmentally disabled, followers of Lyndon LaRouche or believe Michael Jackson only had two nose jobs, tends not to effect me. It’s also the venue. I would be far more likely to respect the criticism of someone posting on the Secular Web or James Randi’s forum or Snopes rather than people who align themselves around some guy’s newspaper column. Intellectual snobbery? Maybe. But if Ann Landers had a forum I would feel the same way about that.

Besides, even if Cecil Adams is perhaps not the smartest person on earth, but a very good reference librarian, a good researcher, which is obviously the case, this in no way translates to the infallibility of some dork on the forum, regardless of how many posts they have under their belt.

And that’s the thing that surprises me about the Straight Dope forum: The sheer rabidness of some of the reactions here, as if people’s very identity is at stake based on my relating my opinion on Pat Robertson. The delicious irony of people getting nasty with me because they don’t perceive me as nice as they are on the issue of this conman is not lost on me. Within a handful of posts I was demonized, pitted, charged with being a troll, a sock puppet, a resurrection. I was told my website probably doesn’t belong to me. A handful of posters, rather than being able to make salient points simply denegrated by writing, reasoning and the net weight of my brain. Posters came out of the woodwork acting like sages because they had more posts than me, obviously a case of quantity over quality.

Then, of course, when I complain and ask just what in fuck is wrong with some of you people, I get the trite “you don’t like it, get out”, with subtle threats of banning.

Jesus Fucking Christ, what can I say except that I’m amused. I find few things more amusing than rabid people with their self-worth tied up in a forum. Few things are funnier in that slightly skin-crawling way than people who really believe that because they are on a forum associated with Cecil Adams’ newspaper column and they have years and a ton and shit-load of posts here that that somehow makes them enlightened.

Wow, I could have saved myself all the trouble and expense of a university education and the time it took to read all the books I have in my life and just have logged onto the Straight Dope. I feel like my life is just wasted now.

Wait for it, the barage of posters telling me 1. I’m an idiot and, by implication that therefore they actually have functional damp meat between their ears and 2. If I don’t like it, leave.

You misunderstand. I accept that I am ignorant. I am a worm. I have not read all of the Straight Dope columns nor bought all the books. I wasted valuable time reading crap like Kant and Hume and Russell rather than Cecil. What’s more, I find it all very amusing. The very ranting intolerance of this forum is great raw material.

Now, I know one of your brilliant posters has already established that I don’t own that domain with the same name as me because I hid my email address on this forum. So you cannot hold me responsible if, by some curious coincidence, a long, funny and completely insulting piece about the SD forum filled with quotes, timelines and snarky asides ends up on that site and then the link gets posted here and there, and on a variety of lesser forums not up to the exacting standards of this forum. Those other forums are filled with idiots and scumbags, not like you fine people here. Then those other people posting on lesser forums can see what they are missing and bask in the warm glow of intellectual superiority that is the Straight Dope forum.