RFK Jr Files to Run for President

And David Duke!

Good point. Cheryl divorced Larry David for a lot less. :innocent: :wink:

So once RFK jr gets his butt kicked trying for the democrat nomination does he run as an independent? And does him running as an independent help the Democrats or the republicans?

He’ll be lucky if he gets 2% in the first couple primaries before dropping out.

Take him and about three tacos and you have a combo plate. No chance whatsoever to make any impact on this race, if he ran as an independent he might just pull 0.001% if he’s lucky. He’s just a conspiracy theorist with a famous name.

Greatness, it would seem, like many traits, skips a generation.

It’ll be fun watching him debate JFK jr.

A great environmentalist but a sucky epidemiologist and first husband.

Here’s CNN’s coverage. Sounds like he rambled as much as Twitler does at one of his rallies:

“ More than an hour into his speech, the crowd erupted as he spoke about the rise in autism diagnoses since 1989, arguing that he has never met someone his age with autism.

“Why aren’t we asking the question – what happened?” Kennedy asked.”

What an asshole.

Does he think that vaccines just started being administered in 1989??

If only his Aunt Rosemary was alive to tell him.

As if I couldn’t loathe this anti-vax shithead any more, now he’s schmoozing with Elmo Mush and claiming that school shootings are caused by Prozac.

My mother had untreated depression for years when I was a kid and couldn’t hold a job for long because, even though she was a single mom and had two kids to support, some days she couldn’t motivate herself to get out of bed. Before I got on Prozac in 2016 there were times when the only way I could get any sleep at all was to drink until I blacked out.

Screw you, you anti-human failson.

I’ve seen a tweet by Jack Dorsey that seems to support him also.

I had no idea.

That’s been a far-right wing talking point for quite some time. In addition to Marjorie Taylor Greene and Tucker Carlson pushing an antidepressant-shootings link, the extreme right conspiracy-promoting website Natural News frequently fulminates to that effect.

On a recent episode of the Alex Jones Show, Jones (who’s fervently backing RFK Jr.'s campaign) said that RFK Jr. has only 10% to go and he’s Alex Jones.

The way things are going, the great confluence may be even closer than that.

RFK Jr. has conversations with dead people, facilitates chemtrail conspiracy theory craziness and believes the government is covering up extraterrestrial intrusions.

New campaign slogan: “Trump not crazy enough for you? Vote for me!!”

If he had Trump’s PT Barnum skill set, we’d be in serious trouble.

I see he’s bought into the “Rob Schneider is courageous” conspiracy now too.

Well, they do have matching shirts, so….

With the matching shirts, they really should’ve had a caption like “RFK, Jr (on right)”.

Or was it (on left)? See, it’s confusing.

Bill Maher’s latest podcast is a LOOOOONG interview with RFK jr, which I’m listening to now, expecting to get pissed off because if there’s one subject Maher is a total nutter on, it’s vaccines, and if there’s one thing RFK jr can’t stop yakking about, it’s vaccine conspiracy whackjob nuttery, and so far it’s surprisingly normal.

relatively nutbar-free conversation (so far)