Rich Liberals OPPOSE Cape Cod Windmills-Why?

WEll, here we have one of the most progressive proposals to harness the wind…and save the earth! A company (Cape Cod Windfarms) wants to place windmills in the nantucket Shoals area, off cape Cod. These giant windmills will generate almost 75% of the area electricity consumption…ansd help stave off:
(1) air pollution-currently the electricity is generated by burning dirty oil
(2) global warming: the wind-derived electricity will not cause the generation of any carbon dioxide, which causes global warming
Great idea! In fact, DENMARK now gets 21% of its electricity from similar windmills…yet we find:
-Rich liberals like Walter Cronkite and the loathsome Kennedy clan don’t want their “view” of Nantucket Sound “spoiled”!
If this doesn’t scream hypocrisy I don’t know what does…liberals, yeah, gotta love em!

There was an article about this in the New York Times magazine a few weeks ago. At least one of the people opposing the windwills–i think it might have been Walter Cronkite–conceded that much of the opposition was simple NIMBYism. This, of course, doesn’t make the hypocrisy any more acceptable, but at least he had to honesty to admit it.

One thing i’d like to point out is that, despite your and the Times’s characterization of these people as hypocritical liberals, there are also conservatives living in the Cape Cod area. Also, hypocrisy is not an exclusively liberal trait; it can be found just about anywhere people gather.

Of course the devil is in the details. Perhaps they oppose the way the windmills will be constructed or how they will be paid for or what company will get the contract.

They probably don’t oppose clean power.

Do you have any sort of site?

Hey mhendo, que es NIMBYism?


Zebra, i don’t have a web link, but i’ve managed to dredge up the NYT Magazine article. Here are a few relevant quotations:



And here’s the Walter Cronkite quote i referred to above:

The author then runs through a list of other sites in the US where wind farms have been opposed, and says:

All quotes from: Elinor Burkett, “A Mighty Wind,” New York Times Magazine, 15 June 2003, pp. 48-51.

Note to mods: the quotations here make up about 10% of the article in question. Hopefully this constitutes fair use.

In reaction to NIMBYism so concils over here have taken up BANANA

Build absolutly nothing anywhere near anybody

Coming soon to a town near you.

Windmills are ugly.

Don’t put 'em in pristine locations.

Kansas? OK :: ducks and runs ::

Cape Cod? Not OK.

I also agree that the OP’s swipe on liberals was uncalled for.

smokestacks are prettier???

most modern windmills i’ve ever seen pictures of are sort of visually-neutral, AFAI can see… neither strikingly ugly nor wildly attractive. they’re… utilitarian. simplistic.


More from the article:

Spiff, you’re actually right, as far as I’ve heard about it through the local news. They don’t want them because they’ll “ruin the aesthetic look” of the Cape. Which I find funny, since of all the coastal areas I’ve seen, the Cape is one of the least pretty. If all the run-down little businesses dotting the cape don’t ruin the aesthetic, I don’t see how brand new windmills will.

As for swiping at liberals, if the Kennedys and so on really are opponents of the idea(are they?), than it’s not really uncalled for- they claim they want what’s best for the environment, but not if it might spoil their view. May be we can find some hypocritical conservative opponents too(although, that’d be more if they claimed that they wanted new businesses and this would be considered one, wouldn’t it?), but it wouldn’t mean that there aren’t hypocritical liberals.

Sure there are hypocritical liberals. I’m even willing to concede that, on this issue, the majority of the hypocrites probably are liberals.

What i found annoying was the OP’s final dig: “liberals, yeah, gotta love em!” This implied, to me at least, that there is something particularly hypocritical about liberals, in comparison to other groups. And, as i said, i think you’ll find hypocrisy in just about every political group.


Not in my backyard, put it somebody’s backyard not as important as me. I live on Cape Cod.

No cite, but I wonder if these are the same people who oppose drilling in the Arctic WIldlife Refuge by driving to protests in their SUVs?? Use heating oil on The Cape much??

Whatever…I drive by a 80 Megawatt windfarm a few times a week and I think it’s mesmerizing. Of course I don’t live on The Cape, so I guess it’s OK for my backyard to be cluttered.

Thanks for info mehendo.

Was there anything in the article about the Kennedys opposing the wind farm?

Sure they are residents of the Cape and some residents of the Cape are opposed to the wind farms but does that mean the Kennedys are opposed to the wind farm?

Oh and is Walter Cronkite a liberal? I never knew if he leaned one way or the other.
Also my understanding is that the wind mills would be pretty far out to sea so I really don’t get the spoiled view opposition.

Of course some environmental groups would oppose just about any new building.

Not in my backyard, put it somebody’s backyard not as important as me. I live on Cape Cod.

No cite, but I wonder if these are the same people who oppose drilling in the Arctic WIldlife Refuge by driving to protests in their SUVs?? Use heating oil on The Cape much??

Whatever…I drive by a 80 Megawatt windfarm a few times a week and I think it’s mesmerizing. Of course I don’t live on The Cape, so I guess it’s OK for my backyard to be cluttered.

The main Kennedy support seems to be coming from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who

Apparently the alliance against the project really wants Ted Kennedy in its corner, but so far he “has made only halting efforts on its behalf.” Of course, the groups supporting the wind farm hope that Teddy will not dive in to support the alliance, because his voice would really add weight in Massachusetts.

I don’t really know about Cronkite’s politics. One activist, Kent Davies, put it this way:

Consider that property owners paid a lot of money for their view of Nantucket Sound. Liberal or not, if large windmills were erected, possibly hurting property values, the affected homeowners are likely to get upset. It’s really no different than suburban Republicans shouting NIMBY at a wireless monopole within eyeshot of their neighborhoods.

I forgot to mention that there is growing recognition of visual pollution as a problem in the built environment. Increasingly, there’s more and more crap towering overhead – billboards and 120 foot tall motel and gas station signs along Interstate highways in the South and Texas, high tension power line towers, cellular towers, speculative communications towers, and now the prospect of tall windmills and very tall HDTV transmitter towers.

I don’t have a problem with windmills, but will their return – a little bit of electricity – be worth the additional visual pollution?

They’re 5-7 miles off shore. The little bit of visual pollution removes a bunch of carbon pollution. Take your pick.
The distress seems to be that the pristine view will be ruined.