Can Mac’s open RTF files? If so, how? I sent an RTF to a friend and he says he can’t open it.
What is the filename (including the extension)?
Well, that should work.
It should open in TextEdit.
Maybe they can launch TextEdit, and try to do File->Open, and pick the file.
It’s also possible that the file got borked on sending - maybe try zipping first, and re-sending.
I have passed on the information. Thanks for your help.
Yes, the default format of TextEdit seems to be RTF.
Yeah, I could save and write RTFs on at least System 7.0.1, if not 6.0.7 or earlier.
All MacOffice applications will open them if TextEdit doesn’t. (And it should).
It is the default text format of the TextEdit text editor on the Mac. And heck, RTF is 7bit ascii-what’s not to open? The whole point of RTF is that anything that reads ascii text will read RTF-and perhaps format it though that is a secondary consideration.
Don’t know what the problem is, but reading RTF isn’t it!
The usual culprit in reading a file from a Mac is a bad file extension.
You said you sent a friend the file. How was it sent?
I picked RTF because in my experience almost every modern desktop OS will open it. But I have not used a Mac for more than tinkering, so I know little about it.
I sent it via email. The man on the other probably is not a Mac user either. He is getting it on his girlfriend’s computer. I have sent him the directions someone outlined above and have not heard back from him. Worst case, he will be here today and I will give him a hard copy.