I recently acquired a Ricoh MP9120A DVD/CDwriter from a rummage sale for $5. I thought it was a good buy till I tried to get the Drivers and the Bundled software off the internet. I downloaded various free DVD software and the one that seems to work the best only works for about five minutes, then the screen freezes (the video stops , just as if I pressed the pause button) but the sound continues as if nothing is wrong.
Ricoh.com is extremely unhelpful as far as support. They dont have the drivers archived or any of the software needed to work the thing. I found drivers on other sites and, like I said, found a free DVD software program [here](http://www.fwnetwork.com/description/fsdvdplayer.html) but the video locks up. It runs pretty fluid (unchoppy) right up intil it locks up. I haven
t tried to burn anything yet because I have a burner already. I just wanted it for the DVD rom useage.
System=HP Kayak
PII - 333 mhz
190 - megs RAM
32 meg g-force video card
DVD rom setting is checked for DMA
Could it be that the system is getting loaded up and the computer says “enough”? Or could it be a software issue?
I`m trying to avoid the roughly $40 expenditure to get a good off-the-shelf DVD rom utility.
I have tried other “limited use” software that gives me 5 minutes of video then tells me to upgrade to the unlimited version in order to continue. These work fine (though a little choppy) until the “trial” period of five minutes is reached.
If anyone knows about this particular unit please help!!
Also, what is the difference between “firmware”, “drivers”, and the “operating software”? And where or if I can still get them for this unit.