Riddle me this...

Ha, trick question. I’m not wearing any pants.

Shirts can have pockets as well.

Eeeeew. TMI. Waaaaaay TMI.

Ah. When I originally heard the riddle years ago, the answer was “dreams”.

Last one people:

Glittering points
that downward thrusts
Sparkling spears
that never rust

and I agree with Bryan pants are overrated!

ugh, do I feel dumb. I can’t get past the first one.

Who wants to give a precious hint?


No - an icicle. Despite the fact that “stars” was plural, this one isn’t. Death to all Tolkien fanboys.

<< And why is this thread in Cafe Society and not MPSISM or GQ.?Aside fromt he very tenuous Tolkein link >>

Well… it’s here because the OP put it here. And I’m leaving it here, because these are much more “literary” riddles, classier.

There is a wide grey area around Cafe Society as to what belongs and what doesn’t, and I tend be liberal and not move threads unless they’re really, really clearly across the fuzzy line.

[Very old riddle]

The more you cut it, the longer it grows.

so who’s gonna help me out with the first riddle? To me, it seems pretty clear

it should be “path” or “trail” or something like that

but that’s not right.

Please post the answer in a spoiler box.


Answers are as follow:











I first saw many of these riddles in the old Sierra game Conquest of Camelot. I had no idea they came from Tolkien.

The don’t come fomr Tolkein. They have nothing to do with Tolkein aside from appearing on a page alongside one of his characters.

Then where are they originally from?

Well, Loopus, people had to do something for fun before electricity.


I come back with

What is one question a person can never truely answer “yes”?

“Are you dead?”

Are you a potato salad sandwich?