Ridiculous Safewords

There is a skit where “Martha Stewart” discusses kink, and she informs the audience that " A safeword should be something that has absolutely nothing to do with sex, something like… Hasslehoff"

Afghanistan Banana Stand

Anal Gilbert Gottfried!

Guaranteed not only to stop the action but the kill the boner that’s inspiring it.

Isn’t that Alex Trabek’s safe word?


“Chester A. Arthur!”

Really, is there no boner that name can’t kill?

Eleanor Roosevelt works for me.

Nasal salad! (From my typing tutor program)

We have Potato, but haven’t used it yet. We’re not that kinky, but sometimes she does say “no, stop it,” when she doesn’t mean it, so I’ve told her if she means it to say “Potato.”

That’s the word my partner keeps using . . . and I always oblige.

You say Potay-to when you’re feeling kinky
You say Potah-to when it starts to get hinky.
Tied up in our grotto: “Potay-to!” “Potah-to!”
Which is the safety word?


Ha! Eleanor Roosevelt would put anyone in a wheelchair.

Once, while playing Scattergories in college, we had to write down “Something you would yell” starting with the letter T. My friends didn’t want to give me points for my answer, Toaster, until I sheepishly explained that it was my safeword.

translation: the emblem on the cap of the captain of a steamship on the Danube.

My best friend and her boyfriend use Oklahoma or chrysanthemum.

Where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plain?

Where the wind comes right behind the rain?

Sounds kinky.
and it’s only because the damned musical makes me automatically put those words there.

She said “Harder!” I did that. She said “Faster!” I did that. She said “Deeper!” I philosophized.

“Pineapple” is ours. Silly-sounding-food seems to be fertile ground for safewords!